

字词 远景
释义 远景
 yuǎn jǐng
 (远距离的景物) distant view:
  从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。 The hill commands a fine distant view.
 (将来的景象) long-range perspective; prospect; future:
  远景规划 a far-reaching plan; a long-range plan; long-range planning; long-term plan;
  为...提供了很有希望的远景 offer a very promising prospect for...;
  这家企业的远景极其美好。 The enterprise has excellent prospects.
  {电影} long shot
 远景储量 possible ore; future (prospective) reserves;
 远景工业 futurity industry;
 远景石油储量 prospective oil;
 远景研究 advanced research




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