

 (修饰) embellish; decorate:
  装修铺面 paint and decorate the front of a shop
 (修理; 整治) repair; mend; overhaul:
  修桥补路 repair bridges and mend roads;
  修收音机 repair a radio;
  修鞋 mend shoes;
  一定要把淮河修好。 The Huai River must be harnessed.
 (写; 编写) write; compile:
  修史 write history;
  修县志 compile the historical and other records of a county
 (学问、品行方面的学习和锻炼) study; cultivate:
  进修 engage in advanced studies;
  自修 study by oneself
 (兴建; 建筑) build; construct:
  修电站 build a power station;
  修渠 dig irrigation ditches;
  修水库 construct a reservoir;
  修铁路 build a railway
 (剪或削; 使整齐) trim; prune:
  修树枝 prune away (off, down) branches;
  修指甲 trim (manicure) one's fingernails
 (书) (长) long; tall and slender:
  茂林修竹 dense forests and tall bamboos;
  修龄 long life; old age;
  修眉 long eyebrows
 (修正主义) revisionism
 (姓氏) a surname:
  修炳 Xiu Bing




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