

字词 近似
释义 近似
 jìn sì
 approximate; similar; approach; approximation; roughness; propinquity:
  和 ... 有些近似 be somewhat similar to ...;
  一个与真实生活极为近似的情况 a situation that closely approximates real life;
  烯空气跟空气十分近似。 Olefin gas closely approximates air.
  我和他的看法近似。 My opinions are similar to his.
 近似测量法 approximation measurement;
 近似成本 approximate cost;
 近似度 degree of approximation;
 近似法 approach; approximation; approximation process; crude method; method of approximation; approximate method;
 近似分析 approximate analysis; proximate analysis;
 近似公式 approximate formula; approximation formula;
 近似规划 approximation programming;
 近似函数 approximate function;
 近似积分 approximate integration;
 近似计算 approximate calculation; approximate treatment; numerical evaluation; proximate calculation; analog computation;
 近似计值 approximate evaluation;
 近似解 approximate solution;
 近似绝对温度 {物} approximate absolute temperature; tercen-tesimal thermometric scale;
 近似控制 approximate control;
 近似理论 approximation theory;
 近似连续(性) approximate continuity;
 近似律 approximate rule;
 近似求积 approximation integration;
 近似商 approximate quotient;
 近似式 approximate expression; approximants;
 近似收敛 approximate convergence;
 近似数 approximate number; approximation;
 近似数据 approximate data;
 近似数值 numerical approximation;
 近似算法 approximate calculation; nearness algorithm;
 近似推理 approximate reasoning;
 近似误差 approximate error; error of approximation;
 近似相等 approximately equal;
 近似颜色 on shade;
 近似圆 approximate circle;
 近似展开式 approximate expansion;
 近似诊断 paradiagnosis;
 近似直径 approximate diameter;
 近似值 approximate value; approximation; approach;
 近似最佳 near optimal (次最佳控制)




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