

 (空间或时间距离短) near; close:
  近百年史 the history of the last hundred years;
  近几年来 in recent years;
  歌声由远而近。 The singing came closer and closer.
  靠近些。 Come closer.
  离国庆日很近了。 National Day is drawing near.; It'll soon be National Day.
  他讲课总是由近及远, 由浅入深。 His lectures always proceed from the close to the distant and from the elementary to the profound.
 (接近) approaching; approximately; close to:
  年近60 approaching sixty;
  平易近人 amiable and easy of approach;
  观众近万人。 There were nearly 10,000 spectators.
  时近午夜。 It was close upon midnight.
 (亲近; 关系密切) intimate; closely related:
  两家关系挺近。 The two families are on intimate terms.
  (书) (浅近; 浅显) easy to understand:
  浅近 simple and easy to understand;
  言近旨远 simple in language but profound in meaning
 (姓氏) a surname:
  近公义 Jin Gongi




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