

字词 运转
释义 运转
 yùn zhuǎn
 (沿一定轨道运转) revolve; turn round:
  周期性地运转 periodically revolve;
  行星绕着太阳运转。 The planets revolve around the sun.
 (指机器转动) work; operate; run; travel:
  这部电梯运转不正常。 The elevator is not operating properly.
 (循环) flow:
  生产与流通环节的运转 the flow between the different links in production and circulation
 运转不平稳 galloping;
 运转不稳的发动机 rough engine;
 运转部分 machinery;
 运转程序 running program;
 运转次序 running order;
 运转费 running cost;
 运转功能 function of motion;
 运转故障 operational failure;
 运转寄存器 motion register;
 运转计 operameter;
 运转经验 running experience;
 运转链 propelling chain;
 运转轮系 {钟} going train;
 运转模 operational mode;
 运转能力 running ability;
 运转钳 carrying tongs;
 运转曲线 run curve;
 运转失灵 breakdown;
 运转时间 duration of runs;
 运转时数 running hours;
 运转试验 field investigation;
 运转速度 running speed;
 运转维护 during-operation service;
 运转系数 {化工} stream factor;
 运转效率 running efficiency;
 运转性能 behavio(u)r in service;
 运转因数 availability factor;
 运转噪声 running noise;
 运转正常 well running;
 运转轴臂 operating shaft arm;
 运转状态 operating condition;
 运转阻力 running resistance




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