

字词 过程
释义 过程
 guò chéng
 process; procedure; transversion; plication; course:
  缩短制作过程 shorten the process of manufacture;
  在讨论过程中 in (during) the course of the discussion;
  加快过程 accelerate the process;
  解释 ... 的过程 explain the process;
  学习过程 the learning process;
  生产过程 procedure of production;
  谈判过程 process of bargaining;
  它经过了一个有趣的进化过程。 It has passed through an interesting procedure of evolution.
  我迟早要把这一复杂的过程全部告诉你。 I will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated process.
 过程辨识 process identification;
 过程标识符 procedure identifier;
 过程标题 prelude;
 过程部分 procedure division;
 过程部分结束 end of procedure division;
 过程参数 procedure parameter;
 过程处理单 process sheet;
 过程导引 procedure heading;
 过程调用 invocation of procedure; procedure call;
 过程定义 procedure definition;
 过程定义语言 process defining language;
 过程段 procedure segment;
 过程返回 procedure return;
 过程仿真 process simulation;
 过程反应曲线 process reaction curve;
 过程分析 process analysis; procedure analysis;
 过程分析仪 process analyzer;
 过程功 process work;
 过程函数 procedure function;
 过程监测 {化工} process monitoring;
 过程(程序)库 procedure library;
 过程块 procedure block;
 过程名 procedure name;
 过程模拟 process simulation;
 过程模拟器 process simulator;
 过程(控制)模型 process model; process-control model;
 过程平均 process average;
 过程扰动 process disturbance;
 过程设计 process planning;
 过程设计人员 procedure designer;
 过程收缩 process shrinkage;
 过程手册 procedures manual;
 过程数据 process data;
 过程说明 procedure declaration;
 过程特性 process characteristic;
 过程体 procedure body;
 过程调节 process regulation;
 过程调整 process control;
 过程统计 process statistics;
 过程物理冶金学 process physical metallurgy;
 过程响应模型 process-response model;
 过程延迟 process lag;
 过程引用 procedure reference;
 过程语句 procedure statement;
 过程语言 {自} procedural language;
 过程增益 process gain;
 过程哲学 process philosophy;
 过程直减率 {气} process lapse rate;
 过程状态 process status;
 过程子程序 procedure subprogram; procedure subroutine;
 过程自动化 process automation;
 过程自动调节器 automatic process controllers;
 过程自调节 process self-regulation;
 过程最佳化 process optimization




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