

 (畅通) extend:
  公路四通八达。 Highways radiate in all directions.
  这是开往上海的直达火车。 This is a through train to Shanghai.
 (达到) reach; attain; amount to:
  不达目的, 决不罢休 refuse to give up before the aim is achieved;
  欲速则不达。 The more you hurry, the less progress you are likely to make.; More haste, less speed.
  据估计损失达30000元以上。 The loss is estimated to reach upwards of 30000 yuan.
  这家钢铁厂的年产量达500000吨。 The annual output of the steel plant amounts to 500000 tons.
 (通晓; 明白) understand thoroughly:
  通权达变 able to adapt oneslf to circumstances;
  通情达理 be understanding and reasonable; be sensible
 (表达; 传告) express; communicate:
  传达命令 transmit an order;
  词不达意。 The words fail to convey the idea.
 (显贵) eminent; distinguished:
  达官 ranking official
 (姓氏) a surname:
  达云 Da Yun




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