

字词 辛苦
释义 辛苦
 xīn kǔ
 (身心劳苦) hard; toilsome; laborious:
  辛苦的工作 hard work;laborious work;
  辛苦地工作 toil at one's task;
  我的一切辛苦都白费了。 All my trouble went for nothing.
 (套语,用于求人做事) work hard; go to great trouble; go through hardships:
  你们陪我们参观,辛苦了。 You must be tired taking us around.
  你们辛苦了一整天。 You have had a hectic (tiring) day.
  这事您还得辛苦一趟。 You'll have to take the trouble of going there to see about it.
  你们工作辛苦了。 You've been working very hard.
  你辛苦了, 多谢。 Thank you for all the trouble you've taken.
 辛苦费 “thank you” reward




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