

字词 保险
释义 保险
 bǎo xiǎn
 (以集中起来的保险费建立保险基金, 用于补偿各种原因造成的损失的一种方法) insure; guarantee; insurance:
  给自己的房屋保火险 insure one's house against fire;
  船舶定期保险 time hull insurance;
  海损保险 marine insurance;
  货物保险 cargo insurance;
  强制保险 compulsory insurance;
  待业保险 employment-pending insurance;
  人寿保险 life insurance;
  再保险 reinsurance
 (稳妥可靠) safe; secure:
  钱存入银行最保险。 It is safest to deposit your money in the bank.
  (口) (担保) be bound to; be sure to:
  他明天保险会来。 He is sure to come tomorrow.
  保险能行! It's bound to work.
 保险板 safety guard;
 保险财产 insured property;
 保险插销 night bolt;
 保险储蓄 insured savings;
 保险代理人 insurance agent;
 保险带 safety belt;
 保险单据 insurance documents;
 保险刀 safety razor;
 保险垫片 locking gasket;
 保险短路开关 battle short;
 保险对象 insured object;
 保险额 amount insured; sum insured;
 保险法 insurance law;
 保险阀 lock valve; relief valve;
 保险范围 insurance coverage; extent of insurance coverage;
 保险粉 sodium hydrosulfite; hydros;
 保险杆 bumper;
 保险杠 beam; fender-guard;
 保险公司 insurance company;
 保险柜 safe;
 保险国有化 nationalization of insurance;
 保险合金 lock alloy;
 保险合同 insurane contract; contract of insurance;
 保险盒 fuse box;
 保险回扣 insurance rebate;
 保险机 safety (of a firearm);
 保险机构 safety unit; safety and arming device;
 保险计算员 actuary;
 保险价值 value of insurance; insured (insurance) value;
 保险掮客 broker insurance;
 保险解除引信待发 {军} arming and fusing;
 保险金 insurance money;
 保险金额 insurance amount; insured amount; sum insured; sum of insurance; amount covered;
 保险经纪人 canvasser; insurance brokers;
 保险经济学 economics of insurance;
 保险开关 safety switch;
 保险开尾销 safety cotter pin;
 保险客户 policy-holder; policy holder;
 保险类别 branch of insurance;
 保险联接器 safety coupling;
 保险路线 survivable route;
 保险螺栓 shear bolt;
 保险摩擦离合器 safety friction clutch;
 保险赔偿 insurance indemnity;
 保险赔款 insurance proceeds; insurance indemnities;
 保险凭证 insurance certificate; certificate of insurance;
 保险期 insurance period; term of guaranteed service;
 保险期限 insurance period;
 保险契约 contract of insurance; (汽车)
 保险气袋 airbag;
 保险器 protector; fuse cut-out; safeguard;
 保险人insurer; assurer;
 保险日期 dated;
 保险纱管底纱 {纺} bottom bunching;
 保险申请 insurance application;
 保险数位 guarding figure;
 保险数学 insurance mathematics;
 保险栓 lock;
 保险索赔 insurance claims;
 保险锁 check-lock; guard lock;
 保险弹簧 creep spring; relief spring; restraining spring; supplementary spring;
 保险系数 factor of safety; safety factor;
 保险险别 coverage;
 保险箱 proof box; safe; ark; bank's vault; strong-box; safe deposit box;
 保险销 linchpin; safety finger; safety pin; safety stopper;
 保险信号 guard signal;
 保险钥匙 key;
 保险业务 insurance services;
 保险责任终止 termination of risk;
 保险账户 underwriting account;
 保险证明书 certificate of insurance; cover note;
 保险证书 certificate of insurance;
 保险装置 safety action; safety device;
 保险总额 coverage




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