

字词 转向
释义 转向
 zhuàn xiàng
 (迷失方向) lose one's bearings; get lost:
  晕头转向 get confused and lose one's bearings; feel one's head reeling
  {眼} vergence另见 zhuǎn xiàng。
 2) 转向
 zhuǎn xiàng
 turn; turn round (around); swing; sway; change direction; change one's political position:
  把注意力转向重大的事情 turn one's attention to important matters;
  把思想转向别处 turn one's thoughts elsewhere;
  把炮口转向敌人开火 swing the gun towards the enemy and fire;
  高额关税常使贸易由一国转向另一国。 High tariffs often cause a diversion of trade from one country to another.
 转向保险 steering lock;
 转向(垂)臂 drop arm; pitman arm (汽车的);
 转向臂规 spindle arm gauge;
 转向操纵机构 steering control mechanism;
 转向齿轮 tooth sector;
 转向齿轮速比 steering gear ratio;
 转向传动装置 steering transmission linkage;
 转向点半径 turnover radius;
 转向阀 switching valve;
 转向赋值语句 Go To assignment statement;
 转向构架 bogie frame;
 转向关节枢 steering knuckle pivot; steering knuckle spindle; steering stub; steering-yoke bolt;
 转向辊 slewing rollers;
 转向横拉杆 tie rod;
 转向恒星 installation;
 转向机车 (主英) bogie engine; bogie locomotive; locomotive for negotiating curve;
 转向机构 steering gear; steering mechanism;
 转向加力器 hydraulic steering booster;
 转向锯 radial saw;
 转向开关 pole changer;
 转向拉杆 drag link;
 转向离合器 steering clutch;
 转向轮毂 steering wheel hub;
 转向脉 deflection vein;
 转向目镜 cranked eyepiece;
 转向喷管 vectoring nozzle;
 转向器 diverter; steering gear;
 转向球 steering ball;
 转向输送机 steering conveyor;
 转向顺时针方向 veer;
 转向伺服机构 steering servomechanism;
 转向头衬套 steering head bushing;
 转向系统 steering system;
 转向销 king pin;
 转向延续 return;
 转向语句 Go To statement;
 转向褶皱 deflection fold;
 转向轴 steering shaft;
 转向柱夹 steering post clamp;
 转向柱控制 steering-column control;
 转向装置 transfer; steering gear 另见 zhuàn xiàng。




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