

字词 转动
释义 转动
 zhuàn dòng
 turn; run; twirl; roll; revolve; rotate:
  没有动力, 机器就不能转动。 You can't make a machine work without power supply.
  那轮子现在转动得很灵活。 The wheel turns freely now.
 转动半径 radius of gyration;
 转动臂 cursor;
 转动部件 rotatable parts;
 转动常数 rotational constant;
 转动磁化 rotation magnetization;
 转动驰豫 rotation relaxation;
 转动导管 steering nozzle;
 转动定位器 swing stop;
 转动反演 rotary inversion; rotatory inversion;
 转动反演轴 gyroide;
 转动符号 sign of rotation;
 转动副 revolute pair;
 转动杆 dwang;
 转动惯量 moment of inertia; rotary inertia; rotational inertia;
 转动惯量系数 rotational inertia coefficient;
 转动光谱 rotation spectrum;
 转动氦 rotating helium;
 转动机构 rotating mechanism;
 转动交链 rotary joint;
 转动接触器 rotating contactor;
 转动接头 swivel;
 转动结构 rotational structure;
 转动馈源 rotating feed;
 转动力矩 rotating torque; deflecting torque; driving torque; torque;
 转动量子数 rotational quantum number; rotation quantum number;
 转动流动 rotating flow;
 转动流体 rotating fluid;
 转动孪晶 rotation twin;
 转动能 energy of rotation; rotational energy;
 转动配合 running fit;
 转动皮带轮 rotating pulley;
 转动频率 rotation frequency;
 转动平衡 rotary balance;
 转动谱 rotation spectrum;
 转动球 rotating sphere;
 转动全息图 rotating hologram;
 转动设备 transfer;
 转动双曲柄 rotating double crank;
 转动瞬心 instantaneous center of rotation;
 转动速率 slewing rate; rate of rotation;
 转动态 rotational state;
 转动体 rotor;
 转动线圈 rotating coil;
 转动心轴 mandrel;
 转动叶轮 wheel rotor;
 转动液体 rotating liquid;
 转动异构 rotational isomerism;
 转动元件 rotating element;
 转动跃迁 rotational transition;
 转动-振动谱带 rotation-vibration band;
 转动-振动态 rotation-vibration state;
 转动滞后 rotational hysteresis;
 转动轴颈轴承 rotating journal bearing;
 转动柱体 rotating cylinder;
 转动装置 tumbler; wheelwork 另见 zhuǎn dòng。
 2) 转动
 zhuǎn dòng
 turn; move; turn round:
  转动手腕子 flex one's wrist;
  在锁眼里转动钥匙 turn a key in the lock;
  向左转动把手, 门就会锁上。 Move the handle to the left and the door will lock.
  这个水龙头容易转动。 This tap turns easily.
 另见 zhuàn dòng。




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