

字词 路见不平, 拔刀相助
释义 路见不平, 拔刀相助
 lù jiàn bù píng bá dāo xiāng zhù
 If on my way I see anything unfair, my sword is there to be drawn out.; act like chivalrous knights on the highway in the middle ages, ready with drawn swords at the sight of injustice; defend the weak against the strong; help each other against a common enemy, highway robbery, etc.; In my travels I would draw out my sword whenever I would see any injustice being done.; see injustice on the road and draw one's sword to help the victim -- to take up the cudgels for the injured party; take up the cudgel on behalf of the victim of injustice; Whenever one sees injustice done he will draw his sword to avenge the injured.; When one traveller sees another being attacked, he will unsheathe his sword to go to the rescue.




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