

  (道路) road; way; path:
  大路 broad road; highway;
  公路 highway;
  混凝土路 concrete road;
  沥青路 asphalt road;
  小路 path; trail;
  铁路 railway; railroad
  (路程) journey; distance:
  路很远 a long distance (journey);
  祝你一路顺风! A pleasant journey to you !
  (途径; 门路) way; means:
  活路儿 a way out; means of livelihood;
  财路 source of income
  (条理) sequence; line; logic; method:
  思路 train of thought;
  理路 line of reasoning
  (地区; 方面) region; district; side:
  外路人 nonlocal people;
  外路货 foreign goods
  (路线) route:
  八路军 the Eighth Route Army;
  2 路无轨电车 No. 2 trolley bus;
  三路进军 advance along three routes
  (种类; 等次) kind; sort; class; grade:
  这路人 this kind of person;
  同路人 people of the same class (kind);
  一路货 the same sort; birds of a feather;
  陌路 stranger
  (姓氏) a surname:
  路达 Lu Da




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