

字词 趋向
释义 趋向
 qū xiàng
 (朝某个方向发展) tend to; incline to:
  趋向灭亡 head for extinction;
  趋向完善 tend to reach perfection;
  局势趋向和平。 Conditions look towards peace.
 (趋势) tendency; trend; direction:
  有好转的趋向 show a tendency to improve;
  语言教学的新趋向 a new direction in language teaching;
  物价的趋向是仍在上涨。 The trend of prices is still upwards.
 趋向动词 {语} directional verb;
 趋向高潮 be working up to a climax;
 趋向素 attraxin; tropism;
 趋向性 {生理} taxis;
 趋向运动 tropism




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