

字词 资源
释义 资源
 zī yuán
 natural resources; resource:
  地下水资源 ground water resources;
  动力资源 power resources;
  农业资源 farm resources;
  人力资源 manpower resources;
  开发资源 exploit natural resources;
  资源丰富 abound in natural resources; be rich in natural resources;
  征收企业资源差别费税 levy a raw materials differential tax on enterprises;
  未开采的资源 undeveloped natural resources;
  未利用的资源 idle resources;
  原料资源 raw material resources
 资源保护 resources conservation; resource protection;
 资源变动 resource change; resources transformation;
 资源仓库 armory;
 资源底数 resource base;
 资源调度 scheduling of resources;
 资源分配 {计} resource allocation; allocation of resources;
 资源分析 resource analysis;
 资源丰富地区 repository;
 资源共享 resource sharing;
 资源管理 resource management;
 资源管理程序 resource manager;
 资源函数 resource function;
 资源回收 resources recovery;
 资源集中管理 resources centralized management;
 资源级差 resource differences;
 资源勘察 resources survey;
 资源控制块 resources control block;
 资源量 stock number;
 资源民族主义 nationalism over resources;
 资源排队 resource queue;
 资源平衡税 resource equalization tax;
 资源清单 resource inventory;
 资源生物量 stock biomass;
 资源使用费用 resource accounting;
 资源税 resources tax;
 资源应用控制程序 resource application controller;
 资源用于未来 resources for the future;
 资源优化配置 optimum distribution of resources;
 资源占有税 taxes on the possession of resources;
 资源转让净额 net transfer of resources;
 资源状况修改 resource status modification




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