

字词 贫困
释义 贫困
 pín kùn
 poor; impoverished; poverty-stricken; in straitened circumstances:
  摆脱贫困 shake off poverty;
  过着比以前更贫困的生活 live in reduced circumstances;
  过着贫困的生活 live in poverty;
  脱离贫困 emerge from poverty;
  在贫困中 in distressing circumstances;
  在贫困的边缘 on the ragged edge of poverty;
  她丈夫死后她一直是贫困的。 She's been poorly off since her husband died.
  失业导致贫困。 Being out of work causes poverty.
  给贫困的灾民送去了救济金和粮食。 Money and food were sent to the impoverished drought victims.
  他陷入贫困之中。 He brought himself to poverty.
 贫困地区 distressed area; poverty-stricken zone (area); area that are impoverished; poverty belt;
 贫困化 pauperization;
 贫困线 poverty line




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