

字词 货物
释义 货物
 huò wù
 goods; cargo; commodity; merchandise; lading; stock of goods:
  货物名称 description of goods;
  货物种类 type of merchandise
 货物包装标记 marks;
 货物残损检验 inspection on damaged cargo;
 货物分卸 break-of-bulk;
 货物检查 examination of cargo;
 货物交接清单 handing-over list;
 货物列车 rattler; freight train;
 货物留置权 lien on goods;
 货物流通 cargo movement;
 货物容量 density of cargo;
 货物税 commodity tax;
 货物吞吐量 port's volume of freight traffic; port's cargo throughput;
 货物托运 consignment of goods;
 货物托运费率 truckload rate;
 货物运单 way-bill; freight bill;
 货物运输计划 freight transport plan;
 货物运输周转量 volume of freight (goods) transportation;
 货物站 freight station;
 货物正线运输 line-haul;
 货物转运站 interchange point;
 货物周转量 tonnage mileage; ton-miles freight mileage;
 货物装卸 cargo work;
 货物装卸量 tonnage of cargo transferred




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