

字词 依靠
释义 依靠
 yī kào
 (凭借) rely on; depend on:
  依靠别人获得成功 rely on others for success;
  纯粹依靠机遇 depend on a mere chance;
  依靠工资生活 live on one's wages;
  依靠群众 rely on the masses;
  永远依靠自己的努力 always rely on one's own effort;
  这个城镇依靠季节性旅游业提供就业机会。 The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.
  在做实验时,不能过分依靠人类的感觉去做精确的观察。 When experiments are to be made, one cannot rely too much upon the human senses to make accurate observation.
 (可以依靠的人或东西) sth. to fall back on; support; backing:
  寻找依靠 seek support




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