字词 | 调谐 |
释义 | 调谐 tiáo xié (和谐) harmonious {电} tune; resonate; tuning; tuning in; resonating; syntony; syntonizing; tuning up 调谐棒 tuning wand; 调谐变压器 tuned transformer; 调谐不调谐电路 TNT circuit; 调谐触头 adjustable contact; 调谐磁心 {电磁} tuning core; 调谐电感 {讯} tuning coil; tuning inductance; 调谐电路调整 alignment of tuned circuit; 调谐电路吸收式波长计 tuned-circuit absorption type wavemeter; 调谐电纳 {电子} tuning susceptance; 调谐电眼 tuning eye; 调谐度盘 dial; 调谐放大器 tuned amplifier; 调谐共轭体系 harmonically conjugate system; 调谐共振空腔 {电磁} tuned resonating cavity; 调谐后漂移 {电子} posttuning drift (PTD); 调谐缓冲放大器 tuned buffer amplifier; 调谐活塞 tuning plunger; 调谐机构 mechanical tuning device; 调谐计 tuning meter; 调谐检波器 tuned detector; 调谐精确度 tuning precision; 调谐刻度盘 tuning dial; tuning scale; 调谐控制 tuning control; bandspread tuning control; 调谐滤波器 tuned filter; 调谐密码子 tuning codon; 调谐频率偏差 deviation of tuning frequency; 调谐器 tuner; tuning unit; 调谐线 resonance line; resonant line; 调谐箱 tuning box; (俚) dog house; 调谐销钉 screw pin for tuning; 调谐旋钮 tuning knob; selector; 调谐音 {讯} tuning note; 调谐阈误差 threshold tuning error; 调谐元件 {讯} tuned cell; 调谐振荡器 carmatron; 调谐指示电路 tuning indicator circuit; 调谐指示管 tuning indicator tube; tuning eye; 调谐指示器 tuning indicator; tunoscope; tuning meter; 调谐驻波式天线 periodic type antenna |
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