

 (说服别人听从自己的意见) try to persuade:
  游说 go around urging rulers to adopt one's political views; peddle an idea; drum up support for a scheme or plan
 另见 shuō; yuè。
 (用话表达) speak; talk; say:
  说得多做得少 talk much but do little;
  那未免说得太轻了。 That's putting it too mildly.
  你说得很对。 What you say is quite true.
  请说慢一点儿。 Please speak more slowly.
  俗话说,“吃一堑,长一智”。 As the saying goes, “A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.”
  她能说德语和法语,更不用说英语了。 She can speak German and French, not to speak of English.
  他说个不停。 He talks without stopping.
  我认为这些话说出来不是毫无意义的。 I don't think these words were uttered unmeaningly.
 (解释) explain:
  他说了又说, 我还是不懂。 He explained and explained, but I still couldn't understand.
  我一说他就明白了。 I told him how and he caught on at once.
 (责备; 批评) scold; criticize:
  孩子做错了事, 母亲说了他一顿。 The mother gave her child a scolding for his wrongdoing.
 (言论; 主张) theory; teachings; doctrine:
  著书立说 write books to expound a theory;
  异端邪说 strange and false doctrine
 另见 shuì; yuè。




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