

 (书) (告诉) tell; inform:
  不以语人 not to be divulged;
  语其友 tells his friend
 另见 yǔ。
 (话) language; tongue; words:
  本族语 mother tongue;
  汉语 the Chinese language;
  口语 spoken language; colloquial speech;
  鸟语 bird's twitter;
  世界语 Esperanto;
  甜言蜜语 honeyed words
 (谚语; 成语) set phrase; proverb; saying:
  语云, “将欲取之, 必先与之。 ” As the saying goes, “Give in order to take.”
 (代替语言表示意思的动作或方式) nonlinguistic means of communicating ideas; sign; signal:
  灯语 lamp signal;
  旗语 flagsignal; semaphore;
  手语 dactylology; sign language
 (姓氏) a surname:
  语强 Yu Qiang
 (说) speak; say:
  不言不语 not say a word; keep silent;
  低语 speak in a low voice; whisper;
  自言自语 talk to oneself
 另见 yù。




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