

 (应当) should; ought to:
  该罚 should be punished;
  本来就该如此。 That's just as it should be.
  该休息一会儿了。 It's time for having a rest.
  他该去吗? --该去。 Ought he to go? -- Yes, he ought.
 (应当是) be sb.'s turn to do sth.:
  该你了。 It's your turn now.
  下一个该谁发言? Who's the next speaker?
 (理应如此) deserve:
  你这个调皮孩子真该打。 You really deserve a good beating, you naughty boy.
  该, 谁叫他不守纪律。 It serves him right, he shouldn't have broken the rules.
 (欠) owe:
  你该他多少钱? How much do you owe him?
  我不该他的情。 I don't owe him by way of gratitude.
 (表示推测、估计) most likely; probably; ought to; should:
  你瞧, 这么晚了, 妈妈又该唠叨了! Look! It's late. Mother will grumble again.
  他们如果是两点出发的, 现在该到那儿了。 If they had started at two o'clock, they ought to have got there by now.
  我们的责任该有多重啊! How heavy our responsibilities are!
  要是我能跟你一块去, 那该多好哇! How nice it would be if I could go with you!
 (指上文说过的人或事物) this; that; the above-mentioned; the said:
  该案 that case;
  该校 the above-mentioned school;
  这是本地最大的医院,该医院有七百张病床。 This is the biggest hospital in the locality. It has 700 beds.
  同 “赅” (gāi)
 (姓氏) a surname:
  该元伟 Gai Yuanwei




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