

字词 讲究
释义 讲究
 jiǎng jiu
 (力求精美完善; 讲求; 重视) be particular about; pay (great) attention to; devote particular care to; stress; strive for:
  讲究吃穿 be too fastidious about one's food or clothing;
  讲究实际效果 stress practical results;
  讲究效益 pay close attention to results;
  讲究卫生 pay attention to hygiene;
  现在城里人很讲究穿而且穿得很时髦。 Nowadays, everyone in the city was very clothes-conscious and fashionable.
 (精美) exquisite; tasteful; costly; sumptuous; elegant:
  讲究的服装 elegant dress;
  讲究的早餐 fine breakfast
 (值得注意或推敲的内容) careful study:
  教学法大有讲究。 Teaching methods need careful study.




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