

 (把印象保持在脑子里) remember; bear in mind; commit to memory:
  记不清 cannot recall exactly; remember only vaguely;
  记错了 remember wrongly;
  死记硬背 learn by rote;
  我将牢记你的忠告。 I'll bear your advice in mind.
  我们要记住这个教训。 We must keep this lesson in mind.
 (记录; 记载; 登记) write (jot, take) down; record:
  把结果记下来 record the results;
  记笔记 take notes;
  记日记 keep a diary;
  记下地址 write down the address;
  记下电话号码 jot down the telephone number;
  记在笔记本上 write it down in a notebook
 (记载、描写事物的书或文章) notes; record:
  大事记 a chronicle of events;
  游记 travel notes
 (标志; 符号) mark; sign:
  暗记儿 secret mark
 (皮肤上生下来就有的深色的斑) birthmark:
  他左腿有块记。 There is a birthmark on his left leg.
 (方) (用于动作的次数) slap:
  一记耳光 a slap in the face




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