

字词 言语
释义 言语
 yán yu
 (方) speak; talk; answer:
  他这个人不爱言语。 He is a man of few words.
  人家问你这事儿, 你怎么不言语? Why didn't you say sth. when people asked you about it?
  你走的时候言语一声儿。 Let me know when you leave.
 另见 yán yǔ。
 2) 言语
 yán yǔ
 spoken language; speech; verbal; lalia:
  言语和文字 spoken and written language;
  言语唐突 brusque in speech; snippy;
  言语粗俗 be coarse and vulgar in speech; use coarse language;
  言语尖利 bitterness of speech;
  言语之争 a verbal warfare;
  言语支吾 prevaricated in speech
 言语不能 anepia; logagnosia;
 言语不清 glossolalia; barylalia; lalling; alalia;
 言语迟钝 {教} hypophrasia;
 言语重复 verbigeration; catalogia; palilalia; palinphrasia; cataphasia;
 言语传递 speech transmission;
 言语错乱 paraphasia;
 言语带宽 {讯} speech bandwidth;
 言语倒错 paraphrasia;
 言语分析 speech analysis;
 言语功能障碍 laloplegia;
 言语过多 hyperlogia;
 言语过少 hypophrasia;
 言语合成 speech synthesis;
 言语合成器 {语} speech synthesizer;
 言语机能障碍 laloplegia;
 言语机制 {语} speech mechanism;
 言语急促 oxylalia; swiftness of speech; cluttering;
 言语艰涩 dysphasia;
 言语交往 verbal communication;
 言语矫正法 logopedia; logopedics;
 言语痉挛 logoklony;
 言语恐怖 lalophobia;
 言语快速 tachylogia; tachylalia; tachyphasia; tachyphrasia;
 言语困难 dysphasia;
 言语理解 lalognosis;
 言语讷吃 anarthria;
 言语清晰 artistomia;
 言语清晰度 speech articulation;
 言语散漫 devagation;
 言语失调 {语} acalaphasia;
 言语识别 speech recognition;
 言语统计 speech statistics;
 言语头韵 hypoprosody;
 言语无序 paraphrenia;
 言语心理学 speech psychology;
 言语行为 speech performance;
 言语徐缓 bradyphasia; bradyphemia; bradylalia; bradyglossia;
 言语学 {语} glossology; glottology; linguistics;
 言语学习 {心理} verbal learning;
 言语压缩 {讯} speech compression;
 言语韵律缺失 aprosodia;
 言语障碍 allolalia; disturbance of speech; lalopathy; speech disorder另见 yán yu。




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