

字词 视野
释义 视野
 shì yě
 visual field; field; field of vision; scan; ken; horizon:
  视野狭窄 tunnel vision;
  视野开阔 wide (field of) vision;
  在某人的视野之内 within sb.'s ken;
  一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。 An enterpriser should have the wide vision.
  哲学课使学生们打开了新的视野。 The course in philosophy opened up new horizons for the students.
 视野归算 sight reduction;
 视野计 perimeter;
 视野检查 perimetry;
 视野检查法 perioptometry;
 视野镜 cycloscope;
 视野深度 pentrution;
 视野图 cyclogram




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