

 (重要) important; essential:
  紧要 extremely important;
  要事 an important matter (affair)
 (重要的内容) essential points; headline:
  纲要 outline; sketch; essentials;
  摘要 summary; abstract;
  内容提要 capsule summary of a book;
  择要记录 note down the essential points
 (希望得到; 希望保持) want; ask for; wish; desire:
  各国人民都要和平。 All nations want peace.
  谁没有票, 问她要。 Anyone without a ticket can ask her for one.
  我想要一个房间。 I wish for a room.
  要炮兵指挥所。 Artillery command post, please.
  她要我等着。 She desired me to wait.
 (请求; 要求)ask (want) sb. to do sth.:
  那位老人要我替他写封信。 The old man asked me to write a letter for him.
  他要你回去工作。 He wants you back to work.
  她要我陪你去。 She asked me to go with you.
 (想要) want to; wish to:
  他要同市长谈一谈。 He wishes to talk to the mayor.
  我还有几句话要说。 I'd like to say a few more words.
 (表示做某事的意志) want; have a desire for:
  他要学世界语。 He wants to learn Esperanto.
 (须要; 应该) must; should; it is necessary (imperative, essential) that...:
  你说话做事都要当心。 You must be careful as to what you say or do.
  我们要向先进工作者学习。 We should learn from advanced workers.
  要相信群众。 We must have faith in the masses.
 (将要) shall; will; be going to:
  天快要黑了。 It is going to be dark soon.
  要下雨了。 It is going to rain.
 (需要) need; take:
  到那里要两个小时。 It takes two hours to get there.
  这活儿要不了这么多人。 You don't need so many people for this job.
  这项任务要10天才能完成。 It will take ten days to get the work done.
 (表示估计, 用于比较) might; must:
  今天要比昨天冷。 It's colder today than yesterday.
  你们要比我们辛苦得多。 You must have had a much tougher time than we did.
 (如果) if; suppose; in case:
  明天要下雨, 我们就不去了。 If it rains tomorrow, we won't go.
  他要不去, 我也不去。 If he won't go, nor shall I.
  要不是他指引, 我们就迷路了。 If it hadn't been for him, we would have gone astray.
  我要忘了就请提醒我一下。 In case I forget, please remind me about it.
  你父亲要看见你, 他会怎么说? Suppose your father saw you, what would he say?
 另见 yāo。
 (求) demand; ask
 (强迫; 威胁) force; coerce
 (姓氏) a surname:
  要珍 Yao Zhen
 另见 yào。




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