

字词 装置
释义 装置
 zhuāng zhì
 (机器设备的配件)installation; device; apparatus; equipment; arrangement; gear; appliance; rigging; lash-up; unit; mount; set; setting (-up); (英) gubbins; plant; assembly:
  自动化装置 automatic device;
  安全装置 safety device;
  暖气装置 heating installation;
  所有现代化船只都有雷达装置。 All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations.
 (安装) install; fit; furnish with; plant; equip with; mount:
  装置天线 install an antenna;
  仪器已经装置好了。 The instrument has been installed.
 装置瓷 ceramic for mounting purposes;
 装置地址 unit address;
 装置构件 bulking block (现成的, 预制的);
 装置滑车系统 string up;
 装置控制 device control;
 装置容量 installed capacity;
 装置效率 unit efficiency




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