

字词 补偿
释义 补偿
 bǔ cháng
 compensate; make up; make up for; make it up to sb.; make sth. good; compensation; offset:
  提供补偿 afford redress;
  伤残补偿 disability compensation;
  合理的补偿 fair compensation;
  补偿某人损失 indemnify sb. for his loss; compensate sb. for a loss;
  补偿差额 make up a deficiency;
  失去健康是无法补偿的。 Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.
  你必须补偿我的这个损失。 You must compensate me for this loss.
  他们努力工作,补偿了失去的时间。 By hard work they made up the loss of time.
 补偿板 compensation plate;
 补偿半导体 compensated semiconductor;
 补偿棒 shim rod;
 补偿保险 insurance by ways of indemnity;
 补偿报酬 compensatory payment;
 补偿本征材料 compensated intrinsic material;
 补偿变流器 compensated current transformer;
 补偿波 compensation wave; complementary wave;
 补偿不足 undercompensation;
 补偿材积 compensating volume;
 补偿测量变压器 compensated instrument transformer;
 补偿测量法 compensation measuring method;
 补偿串激电动机 compensated series motor;
 补偿串绕电动机 compensated series motor;
 补偿措施 indemnifying measure;
 补偿磁场 compensating magnetic field;
 补偿磁铁 compensating magnet;
 补偿大地水准面 compensation geoid;
 补偿导线 compensating lead wire;
 补偿地方时(原子时) offset local time;
 补偿点 compensation point;
 补偿电动势 compensating e.m.f.;
 补偿电缆 cable for compensation; building-out cable;
 补偿电离室 compensated ionization chamber;
 补偿电流 compensating current; offset current;
 补偿电路 compensation circuit; compensating circuit; building-out circuit; shading circuit;
 补偿电容器 compensating capacitor; compensating condenser; compensation condenser; trimmer capacitor; trimmer condenser;
 补偿电容器陶瓷 compensation capacitor ceramic;
 补偿电位计 compensator;
 补偿电压 offset voltage;
 补偿电源 offset supply;
 补偿电阻 compensating resistance; neutralizing resistance; compensating resistor;
 补偿电阻器 compensating resistor;
 补偿定理 compensation theorem;
 补偿度 compensation degree;
 补偿短截线 compensating stub;
 补偿二进制码 offset binary code;
 补偿发射机 compensation transmitter;
 补偿法 compensation method;
 补偿反馈 compensating feedback;
 补偿放大器 compensated amplifier;
 补偿费 compensation;
 补偿感应电动机 compensated induction motor;
 补偿感应发电机 compensated induction generator;
 补偿杆 buck arm;
 补偿关税 compensating tariff;
 补偿管 compensating tube;
 补偿光谱 compensated spectrum;
 补偿光纤 compensated optical fibre;
 补偿过度 overcompensate;
 补偿函数 penalty function;
 补偿环测向仪 compensated-loop direction finder;
 补偿基金 compensation fund; fund for compensation awards;
 补偿控制器 compensating controller;
 补偿教育 compensatory education;
 补偿滤波器 compensating filter; trimming filter;
 补偿累加器 compensating accumulator;
 补偿离子 counterion;
 补偿贸易 compensation trade; compensatory trade;
 补偿磨损调整 adjustment for wear;
 补偿瞄准器 compensating sight;
 补偿盆地 well-fed basin;
 补偿片 trim tab;
 补偿平衡 compensation balance;
 补偿前馈 compensating feed forward;
 补偿期 payout period;
 补偿绕组 compensation winding; compensator winding; compensating winding; backing coil;
 补偿扫描 compensated scan;
 补偿色体视镜 anaglyph viewer;
 补偿施主 compensating donor;
 补偿收缩混凝土 expansive concrete;
 补偿衰减网络 compensated attenuator network;
 补偿水准 compensated level;
 补偿体 compensating body;
 补偿调节器 compensated regulator;
 补偿调整 compensation adjustment;
 补偿筒 compensating cylinder;
 补偿推斥式电动机 compensated repulsion motor;
 补偿网络 compensating network; compensating filter;
 补偿误差 compensating error;
 补偿物 indemnity;
 补偿系统 compensating system; backing-out system;
 补偿线路 compensated line;
 补偿线圈 compensating coil; counter coil; bucking coil; peaking coil;
 补偿效应 compensation effect;
 补偿向性 menotaxis;
 补偿消色差透镜 compensating achromat;
 补偿效应 compensation effect;
 补偿协调时(原子时) offset coordinated time;
 补偿信号 compensating signal;
 补偿信号法 compensation signalling;
 补偿(性)生长 compensatory growth;
 补偿延迟 compensating delay;
 补偿仪器 compensation apparatus;
 补偿油井 accelerating well;
 补偿应变片 dummy gauge;
 补偿引线 compensatory leads;
 补偿余额 compensating balance;
 补偿元件 compensating components;
 补偿栅 half-gate; offset gate;
 补偿中子测井 compensated neutron logging;
 补偿装置 compensating gear; compensation system




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