

 (修理;修补) repair; mend; patch:
  补鞋 repair (mend) shoes;
  补车胎 mend a puncture;
  修桥补路 build bridges and repair roads;
  补漏 stop up holes;
  补一补 have it repaired;
  补袜子 darn socks;
  补衣服 patch clothes
 (补充; 补足;填补) fill up; add supplement; supply; make up for:
  弥补赤字 make up (meet) a deficit;
  把漏了的字补上 supply the missing words;
  我们还得补3个人。 We have three vacancies to be filled.; We need three more people.
 (补养) nourish:
  补身体 build up one's health (with nourishing food or tonics);
  补血 enrich the blood;
  补元气 help restore vitality;
  滋补 nourish
  (书) (利益; 用处) benefit; help; use:
  无补于事 do not help matters;
  不无小补 not be without some advantage; be of some help;
  空言无补。 A mere verbal statement is of no help.
 (姓氏) a surname:
  补真 Bu Zhen




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