

 (从事某种活动) do:
  作孽 do some cursed thing; be guilty of an act;
  自作自受 suffer through one's own misdeeds; suffer from one's own actions
 (作坊) workshop; mill:
  洗衣作 laundry;
  瓦作 mason's workshop
 另见 zuó; zuò。
 (构词成分)见下。另见 zuō; zuò。
 (起) rise; get up; stand up:
  日出而作 get up at sunrise;
  客作而辞。 The guest stood up to say good-bye.
  振作起来! Brace up!; Pull yourself together!
 (写作) write; compose:
  作文章 write articles or essays;
  作一首诗 compose a poem;
  泼墨作画 splash ink to paint a picture
 (装) pretend; affect; assume:
  装聋作哑 pretend to be deaf and dumb;
  故作姿态 assume the airs of magnanimity
 (当作; 作为) regard as; look on as; take for:
  认贼作父 take the foe for one's father;
  他们把我们作自家人看待。 They looked upon us as belonging to the family.
  我把她看作自己的妹妹。 I regarded her as my own sister.
 (发作) have; feel:
  肚子一阵作痛 have a stomach pain
 (充当; 担任) act as; be; become:
  我来作翻译。 I'll act as interpreter.
  人民当家作主人。 The people are the masters of their country.
 (举行; 进行) do; make:
  作报告 make a report; deliver a speech;
  作斗争 wage a struggle; combat;
  作功课 do one's homework
 (作品) writings; work:
  杰作 masterpiece; masterwork;
  新作 a new work;
  有关电子学的著作 writings on electronics
 (姓氏) a surname:
  作显 Zuo Xian
 另见 zuō; zuó。




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