

字词 蒙蔽
释义 蒙蔽
 méng bì
 hoodwink; deceive; darken; fool; swindle; fog; take in; throw dust; hide the truth from; pull the wool over sb.'s eyes; dust; obnubilation:
  蒙蔽某人 pull wool over sb.'s eye;
  蒙蔽一部分群众 hoodwink part of the masses;
  受蒙蔽 hoodwinked by; befuddled; duped; misled:
  他认为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以蒙蔽她, 但她没有受骗。 He thinks by all his fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes, but she isn't deceived.




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