

字词 营养
释义 营养
 yíng yǎng
 nutrition; nourishment; pabulum; tropho-; troph-; -trophy; -trophic; -trophin:
  富于营养 nourishing; nutritious;
  关心儿童营养 take care of the nutrition of the children;
  从群众中吸取政治营养 derive political nourishment from the masses;
  那个婴儿营养很好。 That's a well-nourished baby.
  水果富有营养。 Fruit is very nourishing.
 营养孢子 trophozooid;
 营养比(率) nutritive ratio;
 营养病 trophonosis; trophopathia; nutritional disease;
 营养钵 {农} feeding block;
 营养不良 malnutrition; undernutrition; undernourishment; cacotrophy; kakotrophy; dystrophia; dystrophy; cachexic; hyponutrition; hypothrepsia; paratrophy; hypotrophy;
 营养不良化 dystrophication;
 营养不良性神经病 dystrophoneurosis;
 营养不良性萎缩 metatrophia;
 营养不良羊毛 hungerfine;
 营养不足 subalimentation; inanition; athrepsia; athrepsy; atrepsy; atrepsia; {植} hypoalimentation; hypotrophy;
 营养层次 trophic level;
 营养成分 foodstuff; nutrition constituent;
 营养刺激 nutritive stimulus;
 营养带 inter space;
 营养 DNA vegetative DNA;
 营养动力学 trophodynamics;
 营养动态理论 trophic dynamics;
 营养繁育 {农} vegetative multiplication;
 营养繁殖 vegetative reproduction (propagation);
 营养复制 vegetative replication;
 营养个员 gastrozooid;
 营养共生 trophobiosis; nutritive symbiosis;
 营养过度 overnutrition;
 营养核 trophonucleus;
 营养护士 a nurse in charge of nutrition;
 营养机能 trophicity;
 营养极 {植} vegetal pole;
 营养佳良 eutrophy; eutrophia;
 营养佳良化 eutrophication;
 营养价值 trophic (nutritive) value; food value;
 营养交换 trophallaxis;
 营养拮抗 nutritional autagonism;
 营养结构 {生态} trophic structure;
 营养菌丝 vegetative hyphae;
 营养菌丝体 vegetative mycelium;
 营养联系带 trophotaeniae;
 营养疗法 alimentotherapy;
 营养料 fuel;
 营养卵 {生} alimentary egg;
 营养蜜(化妆品) moisture cream;
 营养面包 enriched bread;
 营养面条 alimentary paste;
 营养面积 {植} room; growing space; standing room;
 营养苗钵 container for plant growth;
 营养胚 gastroblast;
 营养品 nutriment; nutrient;
 营养品质 nutritional quality;
 营养器官 nutritive organ; organs of vegetation;
 营养琼脂 nutrient agar;
 营养去势 alimentary castration;
 营养圈 trophosphere;
 营养缺乏 nutritional deficiency; innutrition;
 营养缺乏病 aporinosis; avitamnosis; deficiency disease;
 营养缺陷型(体) auxotroph;
 营养缺陷型浓缩法 enrichment methods for auxotrophic mutants;
 营养染色素 trophochromatin;
 营养肉汤 nutrient broth;
 营养神经 trophic nerve;
 营养神经官能(机能)病 trophoneurosis;
 营养生殖 vegetative reproduction;
 营养师 dietitian; nutritionist;
 营养失调 trophic disturbance;
 营养噬菌体 vegetative phage;
 营养霜 nourishing cream;
 营养素 nutrient;
 营养态 vegetative state;
 营养特性 nutritive peculiarity;
 营养突变 nutritional mutation;
 营养突变体 auxotrophic mutant;
 营养突变型 vegetative mutant;
 营养土杯育苗 nutritious cup nursery;
 营养卫生 nutrition hygiene;
 营养物 nutrilite;
 营养物质 nutrient substance; nutriment;
 营养细胞 vegetative cell; nurse cell;
 营养细胞过多 hypertrephocytosis;
 营养向性 {植} trophotropism;
 营养(作用)徐缓 bradytrophia;
 营养盐类 nutrient salts;
 营养羊膜 trophamnion;
 营养医师 ditionist;
 营养叶 trophophyll; trophyll; sterile frond; foliage leaf;
 营养液 nutrient solution;
 营养异常 anomalotrophy;
 营养饮料 nutritious drink;
 营养杂种 nutrient hybrid;
 营养障碍 dystrophia; dystrophy; alogotrophy; paratrophy;
 营养障碍学 athrepsology;
 营养枝 foliage branch;
 营养指 trophonemata;
 营养纸袋育苗 nutritious paper bag nursery;
 营养质 trophoplasm; trephone;
 营养质体 trophoplast;
 营养中枢 trophic center;
 营养子 trophozoite;
 营养组织 nutritive tissue;
 营养最小律 law of minimum;
 营养作用 trophism; nutrition




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