

字词 苦头
释义 苦头
 kǔ tou
 (苦痛; 磨难; 不幸)suffering; hardship:
  吃尽了苦头 go through all sorts of hardships;
  给他一点苦头吃 give him a lesson;
  这些是我们吃了苦头总结出来的经验。 These are lessons drawn from our setbacks in the past.
  听不进群众意见, 早晚要吃苦头的。 If you turn a deaf ear to the masses' criticism, sooner or later you will have to pay for it.
 2) 苦头
 kǔ tóu
 (稍苦的味道) bitter taste:
  这个河里的水带苦头儿。 Water from this river has a slightly bitter taste.




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