

字词 船舶
释义 船舶
 chuán bó
 shipping; boats and ships; vessel; watercraft; water-dipper
 船舶保险 marine hull insurance; shipping insurance;
 船舶保险财团 consortium;
 船舶报废 ship scrapping;
 船舶报告 {气} ship report;
 船舶标志 scaling;
 船舶冰封 {航海} nipping;
 船舶布置 ship's general arrangement;
 船舶舱室 ship's space;
 船舶操纵 maneuvering (of ship);
 船舶操纵性 ship's manoeuverability;
 船舶侧视图 {船} outboard profile;
 船舶拆毁 shipbreaking;
 船舶潮汗 ship's sweat;
 船舶吃水 draught (draft);
 船舶吃水线标志 scale of feet;
 船舶出租人 boatman;
 船舶磁性 ship's magnetism;
 船舶大修 overhauling;
 船舶代理 ship's husband; shipping egency;
 船舶导航雷达 ship-navigation radar;
 船舶导航六分仪 {航海} navigating sextant;
 船舶登记 registration of ship;
 船舶登记簿 ship's rigister; shipping register;
 船舶登记港 shipping register;
 船舶登记证 certificate of registry;
 船舶抵港通知 notice of vessels arrival;
 船舶抵押 mortgage of a ship;
 船舶抵押法 Ship Mortgage Act;
 船舶电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference of ship;
 船舶调度 ship dispatch;
 船舶定货 ship consigning and contracting;
 船舶定位 ship's fix;
 船舶定员 ship complement;
 船舶吨税 tonnage dues;
 船舶吨位 tonnage of ship;
 船舶放行 release (a ship);
 船舶费用保险条款 disbursements clause (warranty);
 船舶分舱 subdivision of ship;
 船舶分类条款 classification clause;
 船舶辅机 marine auxiliary;
 船舶构件 ship structural component;
 船舶构造 naval construction;
 船舶估价费 ship valuation fee;
 船舶观测 ship observation;
 船舶管理 ship-handling; ship management;
 船舶规范 ship specification;
 船舶国籍证书 certificate of registry;
 船舶过载 ship overloading;
 船舶航行 ship's navigation;
 船舶呼号 ship's call sign;
 船舶护照 ship's passport;
 船舶货物载重量 dead weight cargo capacity;
 船舶机动性 ship manoeuverability;
 船舶机械重量 ship's machinery weight;
 船舶级别 classification;
 船舶甲板 ship deck;
 船舶驾驶 ship-handling;
 船舶驾驶术 seamanship;
 船舶减摇装置 ship stabilizer;
 船舶减振 vibration reduction of ship;
 船舶检验费 fees for survey on ship;
 船舶检验员 marine surveyer;
 船舶鉴定证明书 survey report on inspection of tank hold;
 船舶建造险 builder's risk;
 船舶交通管制系统 vessel traffic system (VTS.);
 船舶进港 ship entry;
 船舶进港费 groundage;
 船舶进口报关 vessel entry;
 船舶进坞 dockage;
 船舶经纪人 ship brokers;
 船舶经营 ship operation;
 船舶空载(放) ship in ballast;
 船舶满载 shipful;
 船舶漆 marine paint;
 船舶器材仓库 dockyard;
 船舶气压表 marine barometer;
 船舶燃烧油 admiralty fuel oil;
 船舶日志 ship's log book;
 船舶设计师 marine architect;
 船舶失事 shipwreck;
 船舶实际价值 sound value of the ship;
 船舶收发报话机 marine telegraph telephone transmitter (receiver);
 船舶水平线 waterline;
 船舶水损 bilge water damage;
 船舶索具 ship-rig;
 船舶所有人 shipowner;
 船舶特征 ship's particulars;
 船舶天气电码 ship synoptic code;
 船舶卫星导航 ship satellite navigation;
 船舶文件 ship's documents (paper);
 船舶稳定器 ship stabilizer;
 船舶无线电发射机 marine transmitter;
 船舶无线电收讯机 marine radio receiver;
 船舶物料 marine store;
 船舶消毒所 lazarette;
 船舶协议 ship's agreement;
 船舶修造场 {土} shipyard;
 船舶学院 shipping institute;
 船舶移泊费用 cost of shifting the ship;
 船舶拥挤 bunching of sailing;
 船舶用具 sundries;
 船舶用品清单 list of ship's stores;
 船舶用品商店 marine store;
 船舶邮件袋 ship's bag;
 船舶遇难 maritime distress;
 船舶遇险搁浅 beach a ship;
 船舶载货量 cargo carrying capacity;
 船舶载重水线面 load water plane;
 船舶造型 ship appearance;
 船舶振动 vibration of ship;
 船舶振动记录仪 pallograph;
 船舶证件 ship's papers;
 船舶注册 registration of ships;
 船舶注册港 port of registry;
 船舶注册国 country of registration;
 船舶装货次序 loading turn;
 船舶装货总空间 stowage space;
 船舶装配 shipfitting;
 船舶装配工 fastener; shipfitter;
 船舶装卸作业 stevedoring operations;
 船舶装置 marine installation; hull equipment;
 船舶总吨数 gross tonnage;
 船舶总装货量 gross shipping weight;
 船舶租赁 ship chartering;
 船舶阻力 resistance of ship




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