

 (舍弃; 扔掉) give up; abandon:
  舍下妻子儿女 abandon one's wife and children;
  依依不舍 be reluctant to part; cannot bear to part;
  舍此别无他法。 There is no other way than this.; This is the only way.
 (施舍) give alms; dispense charity另见 shè。
 (房屋) house; hut:
  客舍 guest house; hotel;
  茅舍 thatched hut;
  田舍 farmhouse;
  校舍 school buildings
 (谦辞, 对人称自己的家) my humble abode; my house:
  寒舍 my humble home
 (养家畜的圈) pen; sty; shed:
  牛舍 cowshed;
  猪舍 pigsty
 (姓氏) a surname:
  舍义 She Yi
 (谦辞, 用于对别人称比自己辈分低或年纪小的亲属) my:
  舍弟 my younger brother;
  舍侄 my nephew
 (古代长度单位, 等于30里) an ancient unit of distance equal to 30 li:
  退避三舍 retreat ninety li -- give way to sb. to avoid a conflict
 另见 shě。




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