

字词 自然
释义 自然
 zì ran
 at ease; natural; free from affectation:
  态度非常自然 be quite at ease;
  她说英语, 语调很自然。 She speaks English with very natural intonation.
  他不自然地笑了一笑。 He forced a smile.
  她唱歌的嗓音很自然。 She sings with a natural voice.
 另见 zì rán。
 2) 自然
 zì rán
 (自然界) nature; natural world:
  改造自然 transform nature;
  征服自然 conquer nature
 (表示理所当然) naturally; of course:
  你第一次登上讲台感到紧张是很自然的。 Naturally, you were keyed up when you went on the platform for the first time.
 (自由发展; 不经人力干预) naturally; in the ordinary course of events:
  自然地归于消灭 die out naturally;
  功到自然成。 Constant effort yields sure success.
  到时候你自然明白。 You will understand in due course.
  你就是太累了, 没别的毛病, 休息两天自然会好的。 You are just overtired. There is nothing wrong with you. You'll be all right after a couple days' rest.
 自然保护 natural conservation;
 自然保护规划 natural conservation planning;
 自然保护区 preserve; natural reserves; protection zone; natural preservation areas;
 自然被动免疫 natural passive immunity;
 自然本底分析 natural background analysis;
 自然本底值 natural background value;
 自然比例尺 {图} natural scale; representative fraction;
 自然铋 native bismuth;
 自然边界 natural boundary;
 自然变化 spontaneous change;
 自然变换 natural transformation;
 自然变异 natural variation;
 自然波 natural waves;
 自然波长 natural wavelength;
 自然博物馆 Natural Museum; museum of natural history;
 自然铂 native platinum;
 自然测度 natural measure;
 自然γ测井 gamma-ray logging;
 自然层 natural layer;
 自然产品 natural products;
 自然成熟 natural maturity;
 自然磁化 natural magnetization; spontaneous magnetization;
 自然村 natural village;
 自然大调 natural major;
 自然带 natural zone (belt);
 自然单位 natural units;
 自然到期制 running out system;
 自然等价 natural equivalence;
 自然抵抗力 natural resistance;
 自然地理 physical geography;
 自然地理过程 physical geographical process;
 自然地理景观 physiographic feature;
 自然地理区 physiographic region;
 自然地理区划 physical geographic regionalization;
 自然地理图 physiographic map;
 自然地理学 physical geography; physiography;
 自然递增 natural increasing;
 自然电波 natural electric waves;
 自然电流 natural electric current;
 自然电位测井 nutural potential logging;
 自然对流 free convection; natural convection;
 自然对流换热 heat transfer free convection;
 自然对数 natural logarithm; Napierian logarithm;
 自然二进编码 natural binary coding;
 自然发酵spontaneous fermentation;
 自然发生 autogenesis; archegenesis; archegony;
 自然发生论 abiogenesis;
 自然法国号 natural horn;
 自然法则 natural law;
 自然繁殖 (natural) propagation;
 自然范数 natural norm;
 自然方程 natural equation;
 自然防治 natural control;
 自然肥力 natural fertility;
 自然分工 division of nature labour;
 自然分类 natural classification;
 自然分类特征 natural key;
 自然辐射源 natural radiation source;
 自然覆盖 natural cover;
 自然干燥 air dry;
 自然干燥强度 air-strength;
 自然镉 cadmium;
 自然铬 chromium;
 自然更新 natural regeneration;
 自然汞 native mercury;
 自然共振 {物} natural resonance;
 自然观 conception of nature; outlook on nature;
 自然光源 lamp;
 自然光照明 natural lighting;
 自然规律 natural law;
 自然规律学 physionomy;
 自然函数 natural function;
 自然函数编辑程序 natural-function generator;
 自然耗损 ordinary wear and tear;
 自然环境 physical environment; natural environment;
 自然环境保护法 natural environment conservation act;
 自然环境管理 natural environment management;
 自然环境图 natural environment map;
 自然环境遭受长期破坏 biodegradation;
 自然恢复 spontaneous recovery;
 自然毁灭 thanatos;
 自然火 natural fire;
 自然获得免疫 naturally acquired immunity;
 自然基准器 natural standard;
 自然极化 {电工} spontaneous polarization;
 自然集群 {生物} natural aggregation;
 自然嫁接 natural graft;
 自然减员 natural (spontaneous) reduction of staffs (members);
 自然交配 natural mating (pairing);
 自然教育 education according to nature;
 自然金 rusty (native) gold;
 自然金属 native metal;
 自然金属块 prill;
 自然紧急制动 kicker;
 自然景观 natural landscape;
 自然净化 self-purification;
 自然菌群 indigenous flora;
 自然开拓 natural extension;
 自然康复 {心理} spontaneous remission;
 自然抗病性 natural resistance;
 自然抗体 natural antibody;
 自然抗原 native antigen;
 自然课 natural study;
 自然空间 place;
 自然控制 natural control;
 自然宽度 natural width;
 自然扩张 natural extension;
 自然老化 natural aging;
 自然类群 natural group;
 自然冷却 natural cooling; self-cooling;
 自然力 natural forces; power; od; odyl; odyle;
 自然疗法 nataropathy; nature therapy;
 自然裂缝 dry;
 自然裂纹 aging crack;
 自然硫 sulphurite;
 自然垄断 natural monopoly;
 自然律 natural law;
 自然冒落 natural caving;
 自然美 natural beauty;
 自然免疫性 natural immunity;
 自然牧草更新 natural grass regeneration;
 自然耐受性 natural tolerance;
 自然年度 calendar year;
 自然镍 native nickel;
 自然女神星 Cybele;
 自然频率 natural frequency; free frequency; free-running frequency;
 自然平衡 balance of nature;
 自然栖息处所 {生物} patria;
 自然亲近力 natural affiliations;
 自然倾向 propensity;
 自然区 natural region;
 自然区划 natural regionalization;
 自然泉水 spring;
 自然燃烧 spontaneous firing;
 自然人 natural person; natural man; physical person;
 自然砷 native arsenic;
 自然砷铋 arsenolamprite;
 自然生理行为 natural physiological behavior;
 自然生态系统 natural eco-system;
 自然失效 {机} weathering;
 自然失业率 natural rate of unemployment;
 自然时效 {冶} natural ageing; natural seasoning; weathering;
 自然实验 natural experiment;
 自然疏伐 natural thinning;
 自然数 natural number;
 自然顺序 natural ordering;
 自然死 apobiosis;
 自然死亡 natural death;
 自然损耗 normal loss; natural losses;
 自然淘汰 natural elimination;
 自然特性 natural characteristic;
 自然锑 antimony;
 自然天气周期 natural synoptic period;
 自然条件 natural conditions;
 自然铁 native iron; sideroferrite;
 自然通风 {流} perflation; natural draft; natural draught; natural ventilation;
 自然通风炉 air-furnace;
 自然通风筒燃烧器 natural-draft pot burner;
 自然铜 (native) copper;
 自然土壤 natural soil;
 自然土壤个体 natural soil individual;
 自然退磁 self-demagnetization; self-demagnetizing;
 自然卫星 natural satellite;
 自然污染 natural pollution;
 自然污染物 natural pollutant;
 自然稀疏 autothinning; natural thinning;
 自然系统 natural system;
 自然现象 natural phenomena;
 自然线宽 natural width;
 自然小调 natural minor;
 自然选择 natural selection;
 自然选择学说 theory of natural selection;
 自然选种 natural seed selection;
 自然演替 natural succession;
 自然演替系列 ferralarch;
 自然演绎 {逻} natural deduction;
 自然养护 natural curing;
 自然样条 natural spline;
 自然样条函数 natural spline function;
 自然要素 physical features;
 自然疫源地 natural epidemic foci;
 自然音阶 diatonic scale; just scale; scale of just temperament;
 自然银 native silver;
 自然营力 natural force;
 自然硬化 air-set;
 自然映射 natural mapping;
 自然优势 natural advantages; favorable natural conditions;
 自然淤积 natural accretion;
 自然语言 natural language; human language; everyday language;
 自然元素 {地质} native element;
 自然月理学 selenography;
 自然杂交 natural hybridization;
 自然灾害 natural calamities (disasters);
 自然暂态稳定极限 natural transient stability limit (of a transmission system);
 自然增长 natural increase;
 自然增长率 {经} natural rate of growth;
 自然增值(价)(土地等) unearned increment;
 自然哲学 natural philosophy;
 自然整枝 self-pruning;
 自然植被 natural vegetation;
 自然秩序 {经} natural order;
 自然主义 naturalism;
 自然资源 natural resources; power; natural wealth;
 自然资源保护 natural resources protection;
 自然资源开发 natural resources exploitation;
 自然资源守恒 conservation of natural resources;
 自然资源衰退 decline of natural resources;
 自然资源图 map of natural resources;
 自然自动免疫 natural active immunity;
 自然宗教 natural religion;
 自然阻尼 natural damping 另见 zì ran。




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