

字词 自动
释义 自动
 zì dòng
 (自己主动) voluntarily; of one's own accord:
  自动退出历史舞台 step down from the stage of history of its own accord;
  自动招供 make a voluntary confession;
  自动参加 participate voluntarily;
  王大妈盖新房, 村民们自动来帮忙。 When Aunt Wang was building a new house, many villagers came of their own accord to help her.
 (不凭藉人为的力量) automatic; spontaneous:
  自动流水线 automatic assembly line;
  自动燃烧 spontaneous combustion
 (用机械装置直接操作的) automation; self-motion; self-action
 自动安平补偿器 automatic leveling compensator;
 自动安平水准仪 automatic compensated level;
 自动安全音频通信网 Autosevcom;
 自动安全装置 automatic safety device;
 自动包装 automatic packaging;
 自动报警 automatic alarm; autoalarm;
 自动报警器 autoalarm; automatic call device;
 自动报警设备 automatic alarm;
 自动报警系统 automatic alarm system;
 自动刨版机 autoshaver;
 自动被动免疫 active passive immunity;
 自动比色计 auto colorimeter;
 自动闭塞 automatic block;
 自动闭塞系统 automatic block system;
 自动闭塞信号机 automatic block signal;
 自动闭塞装置 automatic block equipment;
 自动闭锁 automatic blocking;
 自动闭锁电路 automatic shut-off circuit;
 自动编程序装置 automatic programming unit;
 自动编号发射机 {讯} automatic numbering transmitter;
 自动编码 autocode; autocoding; automatic code; automatic coding;
 自动编码技术 automatic coding;
 自动编码器 autocoder; compiler;
 自动编码系统 automatic coding system;
 自动编码语言 automatic coding language; autocoder;
 自动编排系统 autopatch system;
 自动编索引 autoindex;
 自动编图 automatic compilation;
 自动编文摘 automatic abstracting;
 自动编译程序 autopiler;
 自动编制程序 self-program(m)ing;
 自动变电所 automatic substation;
 自动变焦 {摄} autozoom;
 自动变量 automatic variable;
 自动变速 automatic gear shifting;
 自动变速器(装置) automatic transmission;
 自动变稀 autoweak;
 自动变址 {计} autoindexing; automatic indexing; autoindex;
 自动标(刻)度盘 autodial;
 自动标引 automatic indexing;
 自动拨号机 automatic dialer; mechanical dialer; automatic dialing unit;
 自动捕鱼平台 automatic fishing platform;
 自动补偿 autocompensation;
 自动补偿水准仪 automatic compensated level;
 自动步枪 automatic rifle;
 自动仓库 automated warehouse;
 自动操舵 auto-pilot;
 自动操舵仪 auto navigator;
 自动操舵装置 auto-pilot; auto-steerings;
 自动操作 automatic operation;
 自动操作工具 automatically programmed tool (APT);
 自动操作器 automatic controller;
 自动测距仪 automatic range finder;
 自动测量 automatic measurement;
 自动测量法 automatic survey;
 自动测量记录 limnograph;
 自动测量器 automatic measuring unit;
 自动测量线 automatic slotted line;
 自动测量仪 automatic measuring instrument;
 自动测量装置 self-operated measuring unit;
 自动测试 autotest; automatic testing;
 自动测试设备 automatic test equipment; automatic measuring apparatus;
 自动测图仪 autocartograph;
 自动测微计 automatic micrometer;
 自动测微密度计 automicro densometer;
 自动测向器 automatic direction finder (ADF); radio compass;
 自动掺杂 autodope;
 自动掺杂作用 autodoping;
 自动长途电话记录系统 automatic tollticketing; automatic message accounting;
 自动抄表 automatic data logging;
 自动车床 {机} screw machine; automatic lathe; self-acting lathe;
 自动车钩 automatic car coupler;
 自动撤销 voluntary withdrawal;
 自动称粉机 automatic powder measuring machine;
 自动称量计(重仪) weightometer;
 自动成型机 automatic moulding machine;
 自动成型机头 autodrum;
 自动程序编制 automatic programming;
 自动程序检查设备 apache;
 自动程序控制 automatic program(me) control;
 自动程序控制计算机 automatic sequence controlled calculator; automatic sequence controlled computer;
 自动程序设计 automatic programming;
 自动程序设计机 automatic programming machine;
 自动程序设计语言 automatic programming language;
 自动程序调整 automatic preset;
 自动程序验证 automatic program verification;
 自动程序装置 automatic sequencer; automatic timer;
 自动承保 automatic cover;
 自动秤 automatic scale; automatic weigher;
 自动尺寸监控 autosizing;
 自动充气 autoinflation;
 自动充填器 autoplugger;
 自动冲床 automatic punching machine;
 自动冲压机 automatic punching machine;
 自动冲压硬度试验机 auto-punch;
 自动重复发送方式 automatic repetition system;
 自动重合 (图像的) autoregistration;
 自动重合开关 recloser;
 自动重合闸 automatic reclosing; automatic reclosing lock;
 自动重接器 automatic recloser;
 自动抽样 autoabstract;
 自动出口配额 voluntary export quotas;
 自动出口限制 voluntary restriction of export;
 自动出纳机 automatic teller;
 自动除霜器 automatic defrosting machine;
 自动触发器 automatic trigger;
 自动穿带 self-threading tape;
 自动穿孔 automatic punch;
 自动穿孔机 automatic puncher; automatic punching machine;
 自动穿片 automatic film threading;
 自动穿线板 hooking-up member;
 自动传导 autoconduction;
 自动传动 automatic drag;
 自动传动装置 automatic transmission; automatic driver; drive master;
 自动传授 {教} auto-tutoring;
 自动传送图片 automatic picture transmission (APT);
 自动锤 autoplugger;
 自动磁性测量仪 automatic magnetism measuring instrument;
 自动催化 autocatalysis;
 自动打包机 automatic packing machine;
 自动打麻机 automatic scutcher;
 自动打印 autotype;
 自动打字机 automatic typewriter;
 自动代码 {计} automatic code;
 自动倒闭 voluntary bankruptcy;
 自动倒换系统 automatic switching system;
 自动导航学 autonetics;
 自动导航仪 navigator;
 自动导向 automatic guide;
 自动导星 automatic guiding;
 自动导星装置 auto-guider;
 自动导引 homing (automatic) guidance;
 自动寻引导弹 homing missile;
 自动道 motive way;
 自动滴定 automatic titration;
 自动滴定器 automatic titrator;
 自动底盘 implement porter; self-propelled carrier; self-propelled chassis; self-propelled tool carrier; self-propelled tool chassis; tool-carrier chassis;
 自动底盘拖拉机 implement carrier tractor;
 自动地面运输 automatic ground transport;
 自动地形测图仪 Topomat;
 自动点钞机 coin counting machine;
 自动点焊 stitch bonding;
 自动点火 autoignition;
 自动点火器 automatic ignitor;
 自动点键控制器 automatic dot keyer;
 自动电报 automatic telegraphy;
 自动电报机 {讯} dial telegraph;
 自动电唱机 jukebox;
 自动电磁离合器 automatic magnetic clutch;
 自动电点火 automatic electrical ignition;
 自动电焊机 automatic arc welding machine; automatic welder;
 自动电弧焊 automatic arc welding; cyc-arc welding;
 自动电话 automatic telephone; dial service;
 自动电话拨号盘 {讯} impulse machine;
 自动电话机 automatic (dial) telephone;
 自动电话交换机 automatic (telephone) exchange;
 自动电话交换台 {讯} automatic telephone exchange;
 自动电话局 automatic central office;
 自动电话室 automatic telephone room;
 自动电话学 automatic telephony;
 自动电话制 automatic telephone system;
 自动电话总(电话中心)局 dial central office;
 自动电缆检验器 automatic cable tester;
 自动电平控制 automatic level control;
 自动电平调节系统 automatic level regulating system;
 自动电视跟踪系统 automatic TV tracking system;
 自动电梯 escalator;
 自动电压表 auto voltmeter;
 自动电压控制 automatic voltage control (ALC);
 自动电压平衡器 automatic voltage balancer;
 自动电压调节继电器 automatic voltage regulating relay;
 自动电压调节器(调整器) automatic voltage regulator;
 自动电压调整 automatic voltage regulation;
 自动电压调整电路 automatic voltage control circuit;
 自动电压稳定器 constac;
 自动电子电位差计 automatic electronic potentiometer;
 自动电子发射 auto electronic emission;
 自动电子计算机 automatic electronic computer;
 自动电子平衡电桥 automatic electronic balancing bridge;
 自动钓鱼机 automatic fisher; autofisher;
 自动调度系统 automatic dispatching system;
 自动定标器 automatic scaler;
 自动定深漂雷 oscillating type mine;
 自动定尺寸内圆磨床 sizematic internal grinder;
 自动定时开关 (automatic) time switch;
 自动定时器 autotimer;
 自动定位 automatic positioning;
 自动定位装置 automatic positioning equipment;
 自动定相法 automatic phasing method;
 自动定向器(定向仪; 探测器) automatic direction finder (ADF);
 自动定心吊杆 self-centering boom;
 自动定心卡盘 self-centering chuck; concentric jaw chuck;
 自动动力升降舵 auto-dynamic elevator;
 自动读出器 automatic reading machine;
 自动读带机 automatic tape transmitter;
 自动读取 character recognition;
 自动读数 automatic reading;
 自动读数仪器 self-reading instrument;
 自动断电器 {电工} automatic cutout; automatic circuit breaker;
 自动断开 automatic shutdown; self-turn-off; automatic shutoff; automatic turnoff;
 自动断开电路 automatic shutoff circuit;
 自动断流阀 automatic stop valve;
 自动断路 auto-cutout;
 自动断路器 {电工} automatic circuit breaker; auto-cutout; freehandle breaker;
 自动锻压机 automatic forging press;
 自动兑换 voluntary redemption;
 自动对光投影仪 autofocus projector;
 自动对话 automatic crosstell;
 自动对流 {气} autoconvection;
 自动对准 autoregistration; self aligning;
 自动对准经纬仪 autocollimating theodolite;
 自动多频电离层记录器 automatic multifrequency ionospheric recorder;
 自动多梭织机 {纺} automatic multishuttle loom;
 自动舵 auto-steer;
 自动发报机 automatic transmitter;
 自动发电厂 automatic power plant; automatic generating plant;
 自动发电设备 automatic generating plant;
 自动发电站 automatic power station;
 自动发光 autoluminescence;
 自动发(辐)射 autoemission;
 自动发射架(装置) autostarter;
 自动发生器 automatic generator;
 自动发售机 automat;
 自动发送机 automatic transmitter;
 自动发送-接收 automatic send-receive;
 自动发送器 automatic sender;
 自动发信号 automatic signalling;
 自动翻罐笼提升 self-dumping cage hoisting;
 自动翻箱机 automatic mold rollover unit;
 自动翻译 automatic translation;
 自动翻译词典 automatic dictionary;
 自动翻译机 automatic translator;
 自动反馈重发 automatic repeat request;
 自动反馈控制系统 automatic feedback control system;
 自动反偏压 automatic back bias;
 自动返回转移指令 boomerang order;
 自动方程解算器 automatic equation solver;
 自动防止故障 fail-safe;
 自动纺棉机 self-actor;
 自动放大器 autoenlarging apparatus;
 自动放水闸坝 automatic dam;
 自动飞行控制 automatic flight control;
 自动飞行控制系统 automatic flight control system;
 自动废气净化厂 automatic wastegas purifying plant;
 自动分度头 automatic dividing head;
 自动分解 autodecomposition;
 自动分拣机 automatic letter sorting machine;
 自动分类 automatic classification; automatic sorting;
 自动分类机 automatic classifier; automatic sorter; automatic sorting machine; auto-sorter;
 自动分离器 automatic segregator;
 自动分配器 automatic distributor;
 自动分析 automatic analysis;
 自动分析器 auto-analyser;
 自动分选机 automatic fraction collector; automatic sorting machine;
 自动峰值限幅器 automatic peak limiter;
 自动缝隙 autoslot;
 自动敷设 autolay;
 自动扶梯 escalator;
 自动幅度控制电路 automatic amplitude control circuit;
 自动幅度调整电路 automatic amplitude control circuit;
 自动符号识别 automatic character recognition;
 自动服务 automatic service;
 自动浮标 automatic buoy;
 自动复位 automatic reset;
 自动复原式 self-reset;
 自动负载控制 automatic load control;
 自动负载平衡 automatic load balancing;
 自动富化 {化} autorich;
 自动改变地址 automatic address modification;
 自动干燥器 automatic dryer;
 自动杆式车床 {机} automatic bar type machine;
 自动感应电压调整器 automatic induction voltage regulator;
 自动钢琴 pianola;
 自动高保真度 automatic hi-fi;
 自动高射武器 antiaircraft artillery automatic weapons;
 自动高速车床 automatic high speed lathe;
 自动高压控制 {电} automatic high-voltage control (AHVC);
 自动高压稳定电路 automatic high voltage regulator (AHVR);
 自动告警装置 automatic alarm;
 自动割捆机 self binder;
 自动跟踪 automatic tracking; automatic following; automatic lock-on; auto-track; automatic tracking circuit;
 自动跟踪激光雷达 autofollow(ing) laser radar; automatic tracking lidar;
 自动跟踪控制 automatic following control (A. F. C.);
 自动跟踪雷达 automatic tracking radar; auto-radar;
 自动跟踪目标制导 target seeking guidance;
 自动跟踪天线 autotracking antenna;
 自动跟踪系统 automatic tracking system; automatic tracking loop;
 自动跟踪显微镜 automatic following microscope;
 自动跟踪装置 autotracker; homing system of guidance; automatic track-follower;
 自动工厂 automatic plant;
 自动工具磨床 automatic cutter grinder;
 自动工作 automatic working;
 自动工作循环 automatic work cycle;
 自动攻丝机 automatic (nut) tapping machine;
 自动功率控制 automatic power control (A. P. C.);
 自动功率调整器 automatic power regulator; device for automatic power;
 自动供电调节器 automatic flow controller;
 自动供给 self feeding;
 自动故障诊断 automatic trouble diagnosis;
 自动关门机 door engine;
 自动关门器 door check;
 自动观测台 automatic observatory;
 自动观测仪 automatic observer;
 自动光电定时器 photoelectric timer;
 自动光度计 automatic photometer;
 自动光阑控制 automatic iris control;
 自动光谱仪 automatic spectrometer;
 自动光圈 auto iris;
 自动光圈装置 automatic diaphragm setting device;
 自动归航 automatic homing;
 自动归算平板仪 self-reducing plane-table;
 自动归算速测仪 self-reducing tacheometer;
 自动滚轮 automatic carriage;
 自动滚梯 escalator;
 自动过程控制 automatic process control;
 自动过滤 automatic filtration;
 自动过滤器 automatic filter;
 自动过敏反应 {免} active anaphylaxis;
 自动过载控制 automatic overload control (AOC);
 自动过载控制系统 automatic overload control system;
 自动函数选择 automatic function selection;
 自动焊 automatic welding;
 自动焊接机 automatic (arc) welding machine;
 自动行同步 automatic horizontal hold;
 自动航线跟踪器 automatic track follower;
 自动航向稳定器 automatic directional stabilizer;
 自动(拨)号盘 autodial;
 自动核对 automatic checking;
 自动合成 autosynthesis;
 自动恒温箱 thermauto stat;
 自动红外导航头 infrared sensor;
 自动厚度控制 automatic gauge control;
 自动呼叫 automatic call;
 自动呼叫设备 automatic calling equipment;
 自动呼叫应答器(机) automatic calling and answering equipment;
 自动呼救信号接收机 auto-distress signal apparatus;
 自动呼吸器 automatic respirator;
 自动滑架 automatic carriage;
 自动还原 automatic recovery;
 自动还原按钮 non-locking press-button;
 自动还原电键 non-locking key;
 自动换币器 coin changer;
 自动换唱片装置 autochanger;
 自动换刀装置 automatic tool changer;
 自动换电极 scorching;
 自动换电器 autochanger;
 自动换能器 automatic transductor;
 自动换泡机 automatic lamp changer;
 自动换片电唱机 {工声} automatic record changer;
 自动换片唱机 auto-change turntable;
 自动换梭织机 automatic shuttle change loom;
 自动换向 automatic reverse; mechanical reversing;
 自动换样器 automatic samplechanger;
 自动换纡机构 cop changer; cop feeder;
 自动换纸装置 automatic paster;
 自动恢复 automatic recovery; self-recovery;
 自动毁灭艺术 auto-destruction art; auto-destructive art (指具有机械装置而能自动毁灭的);
 自动绘迹器 automatic plotter;
 自动绘图 autodraft; automatic plotting;
 自动绘图机 plotomat; autoplotter; {商} Coradomat; automatic plotter;
 自动绘图仪 automatic graph plotter; autograph;
 自动火炮 automatic gun;
 自动获得性免疫 active acquired immunity;
 自动机床 automatic machine tool;
 自动机械 {工} automation; automechanism;
 自动机械雕刻机 keller machine;
 自动机器学 robotics;
 自动极性变换 autopolarity;
 自动集中器 automatic concentrator;
 自动给纸杆 drop bar;
 自动计程仪 odograph;
 自动计费设备 automatic message accouting unit;
 自动计量加料器 autoweighting feeder;
 自动计量料斗 automatic weighting hopper;
 自动计时开关 {工} automatic time switch;
 自动计时器 autotimer;
 自动计算 automatic computation; automatic computing; automatic calculation;
 自动计算机 automatic computer; automatic calculator; automatic computing equipment; brain machine;
 自动计算器 comptograph;
 自动计算装置 automatic computing equipment; robot scaler;
 自动记录 automatic recording; automatic logging; self-recording;
 自动记录安培计 curve drawing ammeter;
 自动记录表 autographic recorder;
 自动记录测力计 dynamograph;
 自动记录秤 recording balance;
 自动记录磁天平 automatically recording magnetic balance;
 自动记录电流计 automatic current recording meter;
 自动记录分光光度计 automatic recording spectrophotometer;
 自动记录机构 self-recording mechanism;
 自动记录立体坐标量测仪 automatic recording stereocomparator;
 自动记录器 automatic recorder; autorecorder; self-recorder; self-recording unit; grapher; automatograph;
 自动记录式高温计 autographic pyrometer;
 自动记录图表 recording chart;
 自动记录瓦特计 self-recording wattometer;
 自动记录仪 automatic recording instrument; self-registering instrument; recording meter;
 自动记录仪表 self-recording instrument;
 自动记录仪器 graphic instrument; graphic meter; graphical recording instrument; self-registering instrument;
 自动记秒表 self-timer;
 自动记忆 automnesia;
 自动寄生(植)物 autoparasite;
 自动继电器 auto-relay;
 自动加料机 automatic charging equipment;
 自动加数 auto-increment;
 自动加速度 automatic acceleration;
 自动加速记录仪 accelerograph;
 自动加速仪 accelerograph;
 自动加压 follow-up pressure;
 自动加油 automatic oiling;
 自动加油器 self-oil feeder;
 自动加纡机构 cop loader;
 自动加载 autoloading;
 自动加载磁头臂 autoloading head arm;
 自动加载调节器 governor with automation loading;
 自动架设装置 self erecting device;
 自动架式仓库 automated rack-type warehouse;
 自动驾驶 automatic pilot;
 自动驾驶-领航仪 autopilot-navigator;
 自动驾驶耦合器 autopilot coupler;
 自动驾驶仪(装置) autopilot;
 自动驾驶仪操纵器 autopilot controller;
 自动驾驶仪传动比 autopilot gain;
 自动监测 automatic monitoring;
 自动监测(控; 察; 督; 视)器 automonitor;
 自动监督程序 automonitor; automonitor routine;
 自动监督控制 automatic supervisory control;
 自动监督控制系统 monitored automatic control system;
 自动监控 automatic monitoring;
 自动监控系统 automatic monitored control system;
 自动监视程序 {自} automonitor;
 自动检波器 autodetector;
 自动检测 scanner; automatic detection;
 自动检测程序 autotest;
 自动检测故障 automatic fault detection;
 自动检测技术 automatic measurement technology;
 自动检测雷达方程 automatic-detection radar equation;
 自动检测器 automatic detector;
 自动检测系统 automatic checkout (detection) system;
 自动检测装置 automatic measuring equipment;
 自动检查 automatic inspection;
 自动检查测量机 automatic inspection and gauging machine;
 自动检查(和)分析装置 Analmatic;
 自动检查例程 automatic routine;
 自动检查器 automatic monitor;
 自动检尺机 autoscaler;
 自动检错重发设备 ARQ equipment;
 自动检索词典 automatic dictionary;
 自动检验 automatic gauging; self-verifying; automatic checking; self-checking; automatic check; autoverifying;
 自动检验分选机 automatic checking and sorting machine;
 自动检验机 automatic measuring machine;
 自动检验器 automatic checker;
 自动检验设备 self-checking device;
 自动剪板机 automatic clipper;
 自动减荷装置 automatic load shedding device;
 自动减数 auto-decrement;
 自动减速 automatic deceleration;
 自动键发报 radio message automatic transmission;
 自动键控器 autokeyer;
 自动间隔计时器 self interval timer;
 自动降落 automatic landing;
 自动交换机 {电子} automatic exchange; automatic switching system; machine switching system;
 自动交换局 automatic exchange;
 自动交换装置 automatic clearing apparatus;
 自动教学机 auto-instruction device; autotutor;
 自动校验 automatic check; built-in check;
 自动校正 autocorrection;
 自动校准 automatic calibration;
 自动校准式数字电压表 auto-calibrating type digital voltmeter;
 自动接合(链接; 焊接) autobond;
 自动接收 automatic reception;
 自动接收机 automatic receptor;
 自动接通 self-turn-on;
 自动接通机构 auto-changeover;
 自动接纸装置 paster;
 自动截击火箭 automatic intercepter rocket;
 自动截止 automatic cut-off;
 自动节流阀(活门) automatic throttle; auto-throttler;
 自动节制捕捞 abstention from fishing;
 自动解释 auto-explanation;
 自动解析测图仪 automatic analytical plotter;
 自动金本位 automatic gold standard;
 自动进场 automatic approach;
 自动进场控制 automatic approach control;
 自动进场耦合器 automatic approach coupler;
 自动进刀装置 automatic feeder;
 自动进给 auto-feed; automatic feed; self-acting feed;
 自动进给机构 automatic feed mechanism;
 自动进给装置 auto-feeder;
 自动进口配额制 automatic import quotas system;
 自动进料 automatic feed; self-feed;
 自动进料器 self-feeder;
 自动进位 automatic carry; self-instructed carry;
 自动晶体切片机 automatic crystal slicing machine;
 自动精密临场雷达 automatic precision approach radar;
 自动警报(器) auto-alarm; automatic alarm;
 自动警报信号键控装置 automatic-alarm-signal keying device;
 自动纠错 automatic error correction;
 自动纠错设备 automatic error correction equipment;
 自动纠正仪 automatic rectifier;
 自动聚焦 {光} automatic focus; auto-focus; self-focusing;
 自动距离跟踪装置 automatic range unit;
 自动卷带 automatic coiling of tape;
 自动卷烟机工 auto roller;
 自动决策 automatic decision;
 自动均衡 automatic equalization;
 自动均衡器 automatic equalizer;
 自动卡盘 autohub; automatic chuck;
 自动开幅机 autoscutch;
 自动开关 automatic switch; auto-switch; automatic circuit-breaker; recloser; autolay; battery cut-out; automatic switching; automatic cut-off; keying;
 自动开关器 autotime;
 自动开关系统 automatic switching system;
 自动开关装置 recloser;
 自动开环控制系统 automatic open-loop control system;
 自动开平方 automatic square rooting;
 自动开伞拉绳 automatic release ripcord;
 自动开伞器 automatic unlocking device;
 自动抗病性 active resistance;
 自动抗偏流系统 automative decrab system;
 自动壳型机 autoclino;
 自动刻图 automatic scribing pattern;
 自动客观分析 automated objective analysis;
 自动空气断路器 automatic air circuit breaker;
 自动空气开关 automatic air-break switch; air-break circuit-breaker;
 自动控制 automatic control; autocontrol; self-control; automatic regulation; self-steering;
 自动控制板 automatic control panel;
 自动控制棒 automatic control rod;
 自动控制导弹 robot;
 自动控制电路 automatic control circuit;
 自动控制发电机 automatic generator;
 自动控制阀 autocontrol valve;
 自动控制工程 automatic control engineering;
 自动控制回路 automatic control loop;
 自动控制机床 automatic control machine tool;
 自动控制理论 automatic control theory;
 自动控制频率响应 {控} automatic control frequency response;
 自动控制器 {控} automatic controller; automatic regulator; controller; controller regulator; open and shut controller; pilot-operated controller;
 自动控制设备 automatic control equipment;
 自动控制手段 automatic control means;
 自动控制误差系数 {控} automatic control error coefficient;
 自动控制系统 {控} automatic control system; regulating system; robot control system;
 自动控制学 autonetics;
 自动控制用热离子变阻器 evatron;
 自动控制装置 automaton; automatic control device;
 自动快速曝光 instantaneous exposure;
 自动馈给 automatic feed;
 自动拉平 autoflare;
 自动拉平控制系统 autoflare system;
 自动雷达终端系统 automatic radar terminal system (ARTS);
 自动离合器 automatic clutch;
 自动励磁调节器 automatic exciting regulator;
 自动立体测图 automatic stereomapping;
 自动立体测图仪 automatic stereoplotter;
 自动粒子计数器 automatic particle counter;
 自动联接 automatic connection;
 自动联接器 automatic coupling; self-coupling;
 自动联结器 self-coupling;
 自动联锁 automatic interlock;
 自动联锁装置 automatic interlocking device;
 自动联轴节 automatic coupler;
 自动量程选择器 automatic range selector;
 自动亮度控制电路 automatic brightness control circuit;
 自动亮度限制电路 automatic brightness limiter circuit;
 自动亮度限制器 automatic brightness limiter;
 自动零点调整电路 automatic balancing circuit;
 自动零回路 auto-zero loop;
 自动零件安装器 automatic inserting machine;
 自动零位器 nullifier;
 自动灵敏度校正 automatic sensitivity correction;
 自动灵敏度控制 automatic sensibility control;
 自动灵敏度调整装置 automatic sensitivity adjustment unit;
 自动领航仪 {航空} autonavigator;
 自动硫化 autovulcanization;
 自动流程图 autoflow;
 自动流程图程序 autochart (program); autoflow (program);
 自动流动控制 automatic flow control;
 自动六分仪 automatic sextant;
 自动耧耙 self-rake;
 自动路径选择 automatic routing;
 自动轮询 autopolling;
 自动论者 automatics; automatist (摇臂收割机的);
 自动螺丝扳手 nut runner;
 自动螺纹车床 automatic screw lathe;
 自动落纱 {纺} automatic doffing;
 自动落筒(卷) lick-up;
 自动埋弧焊 {机} automatic submerged arc welding;
 自动脉冲 {物} autopulse;
 自动门 autogate; automatic door;
 自动门限装置 automatic threshold device;
 自动密封料斗 self-sealing hopper;
 自动免疫 active immunity;
 自动描绘等高线 automatic contouring;
 自动描迹 automatic tracing;
 自动瞄准 automatic aiming; self-directing;
 自动瞄准干扰发射机 {信} rotter;
 自动瞄准仪 autocollimator;
 自动灭磁装置 automatic de-excitation equipment;
 自动灭火 self-extinguishing;
 自动模 automatic mold;
 自动模糊推理 automated fuzzy reasoning;
 自动模拟呼叫器 automatic call simulator;
 自动磨床 self-acting grinding machine;
 自动能源调节器 ecalo;
 自动拟态 automimicry;
 自动碾米机 automatic rice huller;
 自动疑结 autocoagulation;
 自动凝聚 autocoagulation;
 自动扭绞 autolay;
 自动耦合 autocoupling;
 自动耦合器 automatic coupler;
 自动拍发器 omnigraph (发送电报电码的);
 自动排版 automatic typesetting;
 自动排版机 mixer;
 自动排出 automatic discharge;
 自动排题系统 automatic patching system;
 自动排字机 composing machine;
 自动排字浇印机 monotype;
 自动判定系统 automated decision system;
 自动判读 automatic interpretation;
 自动判读仪 automatic intopretoscope;
 自动判断 automatic decision;
 自动判断装置 automatic-decision device;
 自动抛出 automatic ejection;
 自动抛锚装置 automatic anchoring device;
 自动炮 automatic gun;
 自动配水器 self-adjusting flow regulator;
 自动喷头 automatic nozzle;
 自动偏心夹紧卡盘 work driver;
 自动偏压 autobias; automatic bias;
 自动偏压补偿 automatic bias compensation (ABC);
 自动偏压控制 automatic bias control (ABC);
 自动偏置 autobias; self-bias;
 自动偏置法 auto-biasing method;
 自动频率校正 automatic frequency correction;
 自动频率控制 automatic frequency control (AFC);
 自动频率控制电路 automatic frequency control circuit;
 自动频率控制方式 automatic frequency control system;
 自动频率控制接收机 automatic frequency control receiver;
 自动频率控制伺服系统 AFC servosystem;
 自动频率控制振荡器 automatic frequency control generator;
 自动频率调谐 automatic frequency tuning (AFT);
 自动频率调整 automatic frequency regulation; automatic frequency control;
 自动频率调整变压器 AFC transformer;
 自动频率微调管 transitrol;
 自动频谱分析器(仪) automatic spectrum analyzer; automatic frequency analyzer;
 自动贫化 autoweak;
 自动平路机 motor-grader;
 自动平衡 automatic balance; self-balanced; self-balancing; self-poise; automatic balancing; autobalance;
 自动平衡电路 automatic balancing circuit;
 自动平衡电容电桥 autobalancing capacitance bridge;
 自动平衡式辐射热计电桥 self-balancing bolometer bridge;
 自动平衡压力计 automatic balance manometer;
 自动平衡显示仪 automatic balancing display device;
 自动平路机 motorgrader;
 自动普通车床 automatic engine lathe;
 自动曝光机 automatic exposure machine;
 自动曝光控制 automatic exposure control;
 自动起钓机 autoline hauler;
 自动起飞控制系统 automative takeoff control system;
 自动启动 automatic start;
 自动启动机(器; 设备) self-starter; autostarter; automatic trigger;
 自动启动线路 automatic trigger;
 自动气体分析器 automatic gas analyzer;
 自动气相色谱仪 automatic gas chromatograph;
 自动气象观测站 automatic meteorological observing station;
 自动气象校准导弹 automatic missile;
 自动气象站 automatic weather station; robot weather station;
 自动卡盘 automatic chuck;
 自动卡盘车床 automatic chuck lathe;
 自动铅笔 mechanical (propelling) pencil;
 自动千分尺 automicrometer;
 自动切齿机 automatic gear cutting machine;
 自动切断 automatic disconnection; automatic break; automatic cut out (off);
 自动切断阀门 automatic cutout valve;
 自动切断器 electrotome;
 自动切割 automatic cutting;
 自动切割机 automatic gas cutting machine;
 自动切换 {电} automatic switchover (throw-over);
 自动倾斜器 auto-bank unit;
 自动倾卸车 dump car; automatic dumping car; tipper; tipping car;
 自动倾卸装置 tipper;
 自动清偿贷款 self-liquidating loan;
 自动清除输入 autoclear input;
 自动清除装置 automatic clearing apparatus;
 自动清理 voluntary liquidations;
 自动清晰度控制电路 automatic resolution control (ARC) circuit;
 自动请求 automatic request;
 自动球阀 automatic ball valve;
 自动曲线跟踪装置 automatic curve follower;
 自动曲线绘迹器 variplotter;
 自动取数存储器 inherent store;
 自动取样计数器 automatic sampler-counter;
 自动取样器 Autosampler;
 自动去磁 self-demagnetization;
 自动去磁器 {电子} automatic degausser;
 自动去脏机 autogutter;
 自动绕带 automatic coiling of tape;
 自动人行道 moving walk;
 自动软件工程 {计} automated software engineering;
 自动润滑 self-lubricate; selflubrication;
 自动润滑器 self-lubricator; automatic lubricator;
 自动缫丝机 automatic silk reeling machine;
 自动扫掠(描) automatic scan; automatic scanning;
 自动扫掠接收机 automatic scanning receiver;
 自动扫描电路 automatic scanning circuit;
 自动色度信号电路autochroma circuit;
 自动色度信号箱 autochromatank;
 自动刹车 automatic brake;
 自动栅偏压 automatic grid bias;
 自动闪烁器 automatic flasher;
 自动闪光 auto-flash;
 自动闪光灯 automatic flash light;
 自动上簇 self-mounting method;
 自动上胶 autosizing;
 自动上仰 pitch-up;
 自动摄印相机 photomaton;
 自动摄影机 automatic camera;
 自动射线显微照相术 autoradiomicrography;
 自动 X射线荧光光谱仪 automatic X-ray fluorescence spectrometer;
 自动射线照相 autoradiogram; autoradiograph;
 自动设备 automatic equipment; auto-plant; unattended equipment;
 自动设计 automatic design; autodesign;
 自动设计技术 automated design engineering;
 自动设置 automatic setup;
 自动生产 automatic production;
 自动生产线 automatic production line;
 自动升降机 escalator; autolift;
 自动升降犁 self-lift plough; power lift plough;
 自动升降梯 moving staircase; escalator;
 自动失效 automatic avoidance;
 自动失真仪 automatic distortion meter;
 自动时序操作 automatic sequential operation;
 自动时序计算机 automatic sequence computer;
 自动食槽 self feeder;
 自动食品柜 automat;
 自动示波器 automatic oscillograph;
 自动事故信号发送 automatic fault signalling;
 自动事故信号装置 automatic fault signalling;
 自动释车器 jockey;
 自动释放 automatic discharge;
 自动试验 automatic test;
 自动试验设备 automatic test equipment;
 自动收报机人员 tickerman;
 自动收报机用纸带 ticker tape;
 自动收发信机 automatic sendreceiver;
 自动手 autohand;
 自动手表 automatic watch;
 自动手钓机 automatic handliner;
 自动手钓曳绳钓机 automatic handliner-troller;
 自动-手动开关 auto-man; automanual switch;
 自动手动转换开关 automatic and hand-operated changeover switch;
 自动手枪 machine pistol;
 自动售货机 vending machine; fruit machine; slot machine;
 自动售货商场 super;
 自动售货商店 supermarket;
 自动售票机 ticket vendor; passimeter;
 自动输入数据 automatic input;
 自动数据变换 automatic data reduction;
 自动数据测取装置 automatic data acquisition (ADA);
 自动数据采集系统 automated data acquisition system;
 自动数据处理 automatic data processing (ADP); datamation;
 自动数据处理机 automatic data processor;
 自动数据处理系统 automatic data processing system (A.D.P.S.); automatic data handling system;
 自动数据简化器 automatic data reducer;
 自动数据交换系统 automatic data exchanger; automatic data exchange system;
 自动数据交换(转接)中心 automatic data-switching centre;
 自动数据收集 automatic data acquisition;
 自动数据收集器 autodata gather;
 自动数学程序 automath;
 自动数学翻译机 {自} automatic mathematical translator;
 自动数字编码系统 automatic digital encoding system (ADES);
 自动数字跟踪分析计算机 automatic digital tracking analyser computer;
 自动数字计算机 automatic digital computer;
 自动数字键 automatic number key;
 自动数字识别 automatic digit recognition;
 自动数字网络 automatic digital network;
 自动水平同步 automatic horizontal hold;
 自动顺序 automatic sequence;
 自动顺序计算机 automatic sequence computer;
 自动顺序控制 automatic sequence control;
 自动顺序控制仪表 instrument for automatic sequence control;
 自动伺服装置 automatic servodevice;
 自动松紧调整器 automatic slack adjuster;
 自动送行 automatic line selection;
 自动送卡穿孔机 automatic feed punch;
 自动送料 self-feeding; feed control;
 自动送料器 auto-feeder;
 自动送料装置 automatic feeding;
 自动送坯 (进加热炉的)装置 bundle buster;
 自动搜索 automatic search; automatic scan;
 自动搜索电路 automatic search circuit;
 自动搜索(探测)干扰台 beagle;
 自动速度控制 automatic speed control;
 自动抬刀装置 automatic tool liftor; automatic tool pick-up;
 自动弹射 automatic ejection;
 自动探测仪 autodetector;
 自动探伤 automatic flaw detection;
 自动探向器 automatic direction finder;
 自动探询 automatic poll;
 自动探针检测机 autoprobing machine;
 自动镗床 automatic boring machine; self-acting boring machine;
 自动梯 autostairs;
 自动提款 automaticity of drawings;
 自动提款机 (美) cashomat;
 自动提款卡 cashcard;
 自动提示器(装置) (英) autocue;
 自动体 automaton;
 自动替续增音器 auto-repeater;
 自动天平 automatic balance;
 自动天体导航仪 automatic celestial navigator;
 自动天线定位 automatic antenna positioning;
 自动天线调谐器 automatic antenna tuner;
 自动添水式饮水器 self-filling drinking bowl;
 自动调弧氩弧焊 aircomatic welding;
 自动调焦纠正仪 autofocus rectifier;
 自动调节 automatic regulation; automatic control; self-regulation; autoregulation;
 自动调节电弧焊 self adjusting arc welding;
 自动调节阀 automatic regulating valve;
 自动调节恒温器 self-aligning thermostat;
 自动调节经济机制 mechanism which regulates the economy automatically;
 自动调节控制系统 controlled system with self-regulation;
 自动调节器 automatic regulator; automatic controller (governor);
 自动调节系统 automatic regulating system;
 自动调节装置 self-checking device;
 自动调零 {计} automatic zero set (AZS);
 自动调频 automatic frequency adjustment; automatic frequency modulation;
 自动调频管 transitrol;
 自动调速 automatic speed regulation;
 自动调速器 automatic speed controller; automatic governor;
 自动调相线路 quadricorrelator;
 自动调谐 automatic tuning; auto-tuning;
 自动调谐电路 automatic tuning circuit;
 自动调谐短波发射机 automatically tuned short-wave transmitter; self-tuning short-wave transmitter;
 自动调谐发射机 automatic tuning transmitter; autotune transmitter;
 自动调谐干扰机 set-on jammer;
 自动调谐接收机 automatic tuning receiver;
 自动调谐控制 automatic tuning control;
 自动调谐系统 automatic tuning system (ATS);
 自动调压器 automatic voltage regulator;
 自动调用程序库 automatic call library;
 自动调整 automatic adjustment (alignment); autocontrol; self-control; self-regulation; automatic tuning;
 自动调整机构 automatic mechanism;
 自动调整控制系统 adaptive control system;
 自动调整励磁装置 automatic excitation regulator;
 自动调整联轴节 self-aligning coupling;
 自动调整平衡锤 automatically adjusting counter weight;
 自动调整器 automatic regulator;
 自动调整握紧器 self-aligning grips;
 自动调整闸 self adjusting brake;
 自动调整轴承 self-adjustable bearing;
 自动调整装置 automatic regulating apparatus;
 自动调准系统 self-aligning system;
 自动跳合开关 kick down switch;
 自动跳合限位开关 kick down limit switch;
 自动跳闸 automatic trip (opening);
 自动停车 automatic stopping;
 自动停车器 check piece;
 自动停车装置 automatic stopping device;
 自动停机 autostop; knock-off; automatic shutdown;
 自动停止 automatic stop; automatic shutdown;
 自动停止阀 automatic stop valve;
 自动停止开关 automatic stop switch;
 自动停止装置 auto-stopper;
 自动同步 autosynchronous; self-synchronizing;
 自动同步差绕放大器 DG synchro amplifier;
 自动同步重发器 autosyn repeater;
 自动同步电动机 autosynchronous motor; selsyn motor;
 自动同步发电机 selsyn generator;
 自动同步发送机 synchrotransmitter; synchro; synchrodrive; selsyn; selsyn system;
 自动同步机 synchrotransmitter; synchro; synchrodrive; synchro-motor; synchromagslip; autosyn; selsyn;
 自动同步机控制 selsyn control;
 自动同步机数据系统 selsyn-data system;
 自动同步机系统 synchro system;
 自动同步机转子 control transformer rotor;
 自动同步接收机 selsyn receiver; synchro receiver; receiving selsyn;
 自动同步控制变压器 synchro-control transfomer;
 自动同步控制差动式发报机(器) synchro control differential transmitter;
 自动同步器 synchro; selsyn; autosyn;
 自动同步网络 autosynchronous network;
 自动同步系统 self-synchronous system;
 自动同步噪声抑制器 automatic synch-noise suppressor;
 自动同步振荡器 synchrogenerator;
 自动同步指示器 automatic synchronized indicator;
 自动同步装置 automatic synchronizing apparatus;
 自动同期检定器 automatic synchronizer;
 自动统调 autotune; autotuning;
 自动投弹雷达(站) (俚) sniffer;
 自动投铒机 automatic dispenser;
 自动投资 autonomous investment;
 自动图 autograph;
 自动图示记录器 autographic apparatus;
 自动图示仪 autographometer;
 自动图像传输 automatic picture transmission;
 自动图像传送 automatic picture transmission;
 自动图像调整 automatic picture control;
 自动图像显示 automatic picture display;
 自动涂油器 oiler;
 自动推动器 self-mover;
 自动推进 self-propulsion;
 自动退刀装置 automatic tool retracting unit;
 自动拖曳绞车 automatic towing winch;
 自动脱扣 automatic trip;
 自动脱粒机 automatic thresher;
 自动陀螺驾驶仪 automatic gyropilot;
 自动陀螺仪 autogyro;
 自动外汇分配 automatic foreign exchange allocation;
 自动网络分析仪 automatic network analyzer;
 自动微调 automatic fine tuning (A.F.T.);
 自动围网起网机 automatic purse seine puller;
 自动尾拖起网机 automatic stern trawl winch;
 自动尾拖网绞车 automatic stern trawl winches;
 自动喂猪装置 automatic pig feeding plant;
 自动位置标绘器 automatic position plotter;
 自动温度计 automatic moisture meter;
 自动温度控制 automatic temperature control;
 自动温度调节 automatic temperature regulation;
 自动文件 (存储器) autofile;
 自动稳定 automatic stabilization;
 自动稳定和控制系统 automatic stabilization and control system (A.S.C.S.);
 自动稳定器 auto stabilizer;
 自动稳定器理论 {经} automatic stabilizers; built-in stabilizers;
 自动稳定性 automatic stability;
 自动稳定装置 built-in stabilizers; automatic stabilizers;
 自动稳零放大器 chopper-stabilized DC amplifier;
 自动稳相 autophasing;
 自动稳相加速器 autophasing accelerator;
 自动稳压 automatic voltage regulation;
 自动稳压器 automatic voltage regulator; constac;
 自动稳压装置 automatic voltage regulator;
 自动问答计算机程序 baseball computer program;
 自动问诊机 automatic history taker;
 自动无线电报 autoradiograph;
 自动无线电测向仪 automatic radio compass;
 自动无线电定向器 automatic radio direction finder;
 自动无线罗盘 automatic radio compass;
 自动武器 automatic weapon (arms);
 自动误差检测 automatic error detection;
 自动误差校正 automatic error correction;
 自动误差校正码 automatic error-correcting code;
 自动吸移管 automatic pipet; automatic pipette;
 自动铣床 automatic milling machine; self-acting milling machine;
 自动系统 automatic system;
 自动线 automatic production line; transfer machine; transfer-matic;
 自动线跟踪仪 autolinetracker;
 自动线路分段开关装置 automatic line sectionalizer;
 自动限额 voluntary ceiling;
 自动限流 automatic current limiting;
 自动相位比较电路 automatic phase comparison circuit;
 自动相位控制 automatic phase control;
 自动相位控制电路 automatic phase control circuit;
 自动相位同步 automatic phase synchronization;
 自动相位同步法 automatic phasing method;
 自动消磁 autodegauss;
 自动消磁电路 automatic degaussing circuit;
 自动消色电路 automatic color killer;
 自动消杂波电路 automatic noise canceller;
 自动小前犁 automatic jointer;
 自动协调 automatic synchronization;
 自动卸荷 automatic deloading;
 自动卸货卡车 dump truck; tip truck;
 自动卸料 automatic dump; automatic discharge;
 自动信号 automatic signal;
 自动信号器 automatic signalizing apparatus; automatic signalling apparatus;
 自动信息转接 automatic message switching;
 自动信息转接中心 automatic message-switching center;
 自动行为 automatism;
 自动行星际站 automatic interplanetary station;
 自动性能 automatic performance;
 自动修版器 automatic retoucher;
 自动修正 automatic correction;
 自动许可制 automatic approval system; automatic licensing;
 自动序列 automatic sequence;
 自动序列控制系统 automatic train control system;
 自动选行 automatic line selection;
 自动选取 automatic selection;
 自动选配装置 matching control;
 自动选取 automatic selection;
 自动选通脉冲 automatic strobe pulse;
 自动选择 automatic selection; automatic election;
 自动选择器 autoselector;
 自动选择性控制 automatic selectivity control (ASC);
 自动选址 automatic addressing;
 自动学 automatics; automation;
 自动循环 autocycle; automatic cycle;
 自动寻的导弹 homing missile;
 自动寻的火箭 seeking rocket;
 自动寻彗器 automatic cometseeker;
 自动寻线杆 automatic line finder;
 自动寻优系统 automatic optimizating system;
 自动寻找故障装置 automatic trouble locating arrangements;
 自动巡路平地机 autopatrol grader;
 自动压力机 {机} automatic press;
 自动验算 automatic check;
 自动氧化(反应) autoxidation; autooxidation;
 自动氧化剂 autoxidator;
 自动要求重发 automatic request for repetition;
 自动要求重复 automatic repeat request;
 自动遥控 automatic remote control;
 自动遥控机械学 telautomatics;
 自动遥控装置 teleautomatics;
 自动液力传动 automatic hydraulic transmission;
 自动移相器 automatic phase shifter;
 自动仪器 robot;
 自动译码系统 automatic decode system; transcode;
 自动音调校正 automatic tone correction;
 自动音量控制 automatic volume control (AVC);
 自动音量控制器 automatic volume controller;
 自动音量控制用放大器 fader amplifier;
 自动音量扩展 automatic volume expansion;
 自动音量压缩器 automatic volume compressor;
 自动音频控制 automatic tone control;
 自动音响式鱼类计数系统 automatic acoustic fish counting system;
 自动饮水器 autodrinker; self-waterer; automatic drinking bowl; automatic water bowl;
 自动饮水装置 self-waterer;
 自动引带 automatic threading;
 自动引导导弹 homer;
 自动引下器 retriever;
 自动印刷 automatic printing;
 自动印刷机 automatic press; automatic printing machine;
 自动影像相关 automatic image correlation;
 自动应答器 automatic-answering back device; automatic-answer back unit;
 自动油门 auto-throttle;
 自动油温调节器 automatic oil temperature regulator;
 自动语言处理 automatic language processing;
 自动语言识别 automatic speech recognition;
 自动语音合成仪 vocoder; voder (voice operation demonstrator);
 自动预报系统 automatic forecasting system;
 自动预扣 automatic checkoff;
 自动远动开关 automatic teleswitch;
 自动匀货船 self-trimming ship;
 自动运算系统 automatic operation system;
 自动载荷控制 automatic load control;
 自动载运器 automatic carriage;
 自动再启动 autorestart; automatic restart;
 自动噪声电平控制 automatic noise leveling;
 自动噪声控制 automatic noise control;
 自动噪声系数测试仪 automatic noise factor meter;
 自动噪声限制 automatic noise limit;
 自动噪声限制器 automatic noise limiter (ANL);
 自动噪声抑制器 automatic noise suppressor;
 自动增感 autosensitization;
 自动增量寻址 {计} autoincrement addressing;
 自动增稳系统 automatic augmentation stability system;
 自动增压调节器 automatic boost control;
 自动增益控制 automatic gain control (AGC);
 自动增益控制电路 automatic gain control circuit;
 自动增益控制放大器 automatic gain control amplifier;
 自动增益控制管 automatic gain control tube;
 自动增益控制开关 automatic gain control switch;
 自动增益控制中继器 automatic gain control repeater;
 自动增益控制装置 automatic gain control equipment;
 自动增益调整器 automatic gain controller;
 自动增益稳定 automatic gain stabilization;
 自动增益选择电路 automatic gain selection circuit;
 自动扎(袜)口 auto-welting;
 自动轧管 plug rolling;
 自动轧管机 automatic tube rolling mill;
 自动摘要 autoabstract; automatic abstracting;
 自动展期放款 {经} revolving loan;
 自动张力控制 automatic tension control;
 自动张力调节器 automatic tension controller;
 自动着火 autogenous ignition;
 自动照相机 automat; automatic camera;
 自动照相排字机 automatic photo composing machine;
 自动照相排字校改装置 automatic photo-composing visual display terminal;
 自动照相排字输入装置 automatic photo-composing input system;
 自动照准 autocollimation;
 自动折翼 automatic flap;
 自动折纸机 layboy;
 自动诊断 automatic diagnosis;
 自动振荡 hunting;
 自动振动器 trembler;
 自动振幅控制电压 automatic amplitude control voltage;
 自动振铃 machine ringing;
 自动整步机 autosyn;
 自动正压状态 autobarotropy;
 自动支付 voluntary payment;
 自动织(布)机 {纺} automatic loom;
 自动织袜机 automatic hosiery machine;
 自动织网机 wire mesh weaving machine;
 自动指示高温计 automatic pyrometer;
 自动指示器 automatic indicator;
 自动置 “0” automatic zero set;
 自动置零装置 automatic zero-set circuit;
 自动制导 automatic guidance;
 自动制动 automatic braking;
 自动制动器 automatic brake;
 自动制图 autodraft; automated mapping;
 自动制图机 automatic drafting machine;
 自动制图系统 Digigraf;
 自动质量控制 automatic quality control;
 自动中枢 automatic center;
 自动中心冲床 automatic centre punch;
 自动终端信息业务 automatic terminal information service;
 自动终止诉讼程序 voluntary discontinuance;
 自动终止条款 automatic termination clauses;
 自动周期计 automatic cycler;
 自动主控开关 automated master switching;
 自动注射控制 auto-injection control;
 自动注射装置 automated injection device;
 自动注油器 impermeator (汽缸的);
 自动转换 automatic switching; self shifting;
 自动转换开关 automatic change-over; hospital switch;
 自动转换器 automatic switch; automatic translator;
 自动转换设备 {讯} automatic switching equipment;
 自动转换装置 automatic transfer equipment;
 自动转接 {自} automatic switchover;
 自动转塔式六角车床 automatic turret lathe;
 自动转向机构 automatic changeover;
 自动转向架 motor bogie;
 自动转向装置 autosteerer;
 自动装钵装置 automatic loading sagger unit;
 自动装船 automatic ship loading;
 自动装饵机 automatic baiting machine;
 自动装货车 autoloader; self-loading vehicle;
 自动装料器 self-loading device;
 自动装配 automatic assembly; self-assembly;
 自动装配机 automatic assembling machine;
 自动装配技术 automatic assembly technique;
 自动装配线 automatic assembly line;
 自动装入 auto-loading;
 自动装填 self-loading;
 自动装填机构 self-loading mechanism;
 自动装填器 auto-loader;
 自动装桶 automatic barrelling;
 自动装卸板热压机 hot presses with auto loader and unloader;
 自动装卸车 lift truck;
 自动装卸机 automatic loader and unloader; truck loader;
 自动装置 automat; automatic device; auto-plant; automation; automatic assembly (apparatus; plant); automatics; automechanism;
 自动准直 autocollimation;
 自动准直仪(光管) autocollimator;
 自动着陆 automatic landing;
 自动着陆系统 automatic landing system;
 自动资料处理 automatic data processing;
 自动子午环 automatic transit circle;
 自动字符(母)识别 {自} automatic character recognition;
 自动阻断 automatic cut-off;
 自动阻抗测量设备 automatic impedance-measurement equipment;
 自动阻尼 automatic damping;
 自动阻尼作用 auto inhibition;
 自动阻塞门控制 automatic choke control;
 自动钻床 automatic drilling machine; pantodrill; self-acting drilling machine; borematic;
 自动最佳控制系统 self-optimizing control system;
 自动作图仪 variplotter; commap;
 自动作业系统 automatic operating system;
 自动作用 automatism




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