

字词 膀胱
释义 膀胱
 páng guāng
 (urinary) bladder; urocyst; vesica urinaria
 膀胱闭锁 atretocy stia;
 膀胱病 cystipathy; the urinary bladder disease;
 膀胱病辨证 differentiation of bladder disease;
 膀胱病病机 pathogenesis of bladder disease;
 膀胱肠疝 cysto-enterocele;
 膀胱草 bladder campion;
 膀胱成形术 cystoplasty;
 膀胱充气照片 pneumocystogram;
 膀胱充气造影术 pneumocystography; aerocystography;
 膀胱丛 plexus vesicalis; vesical plexus;
 膀胱出血 cystirrhagia, cystorrhagia;
 膀胱穿刺套针 bladder trocar;
 膀胱刀 cystotome;
 膀胱底 fundus of urinary bladder; fundus vesicae urinariae;
 膀胱动脉 vesical artery;
 膀胱反射 vesical reflex; reflex bladder;
 膀胱缝术 cystendesis;
 膀胱腹股沟疝 cystobubonocele;
 膀胱股环疝 cystomerocele;
 膀胱固定术 cystopexy; vesicofixation;
 膀胱灌洗法 cystoclyster;
 膀胱果 Bladdernut;
 膀胱果黄芩 paper-bag bush;
 膀胱过敏 cysterethism;
 膀胱活体取样钳 bladder biopsy forceps;
 膀胱肌肥厚 cysthypersarcosis;
 膀胱疾病 bladder disease;
 膀胱积血 hematocystis; hematocyst;
 膀胱荚 bladderpod;
 膀胱结核 cystophthisis;
 膀胱结石 bladder calculi; gravel; cystolith; vesical calculus;
 膀胱痉挛 cystospasm;
 膀胱经 urinary bladder channel;
 膀胱镜 cystoscope;
 膀胱镜检 cystoscopy;
 膀胱颈 vesical neck;
 膀胱颈切开术 cystauchenotomy; cystidotrachelotomy;
 膀胱卡他 cystirrhea;
 膀胱咳 cough with incontirence of urine;
 膀胱溃疡 cystelcosis;
 膀胱扩张术 cystectasia; cystectasy;
 膀胱括约肌 sphincter vesicae;
 膀胱裂 schistocystis;
 膀胱螺 physid; physa;
 膀胱麻痹 cystidoplegia; cystoparalysis;
 膀胱膜 pericystium;
 膀胱(粘膜)囊肿 cystic cystitis;
 膀胱粘膜炎 myxocystitis;
 膀胱粘液溢 cystirrhea; cystorrhea;
 膀胱尿道镜 cystourethroscope;
 膀胱尿道镜检查 cystourethroscopy;
 膀胱尿道突出 (女) cystourethrocele;
 膀胱尿道炎 cystourethritis;
 膀胱尿道照片 cystourethrogram;
 膀胱尿道照相术 cystourethrography;
 膀胱内翻 cystanastrophe;
 膀胱内压测量法 cystometry;
 膀胱内压测量器 cystometer;
 膀胱内压测量图 cystometrogram;
 膀胱内压描记法 cystometrography;
 膀胱尿道照相术 cystourethrography;
 膀胱膨出 cystocele; vesicocele;
 膀胱破裂 cystorrhexis; vesical rupture;
 膀胱气闭 dysuria due to dysfunction of the bladder;
 膀胱气化失司 bladder qi dysfunction;
 膀胱憩室 vesical diverticulum;
 膀胱前间隙 prevesical space; Retzius' space;
 膀胱前列腺切除术 cysto-prostatectomy;
 膀胱切除术 cystectomy;
 膀胱切开术 cystotomy;
 膀胱切石卧位 lithotomy position;
 膀胱三角 trigonumvesicae; vesical trigone;
 膀胱三角刀 trigonotome;
 膀胱三角炎 trigonitis; collitis;
 膀胱疝 cystocele;
 膀胱上组织炎 epicystitis;
 膀胱神经痛 cystoneuralgia;
 膀胱肾盂肾炎 cystopyelonephritis;
 膀胱肾盂X线照相术 cystopyelography;
 膀胱肾盂炎 cystopyelitis;
 膀胱肾盂造影术 cystopyelography;
 膀胱渗血 cystistaxis; cystostaxis;
 膀胱湿热 bladder damp-heat;
 膀胱石 cystolith; vesical calculus;
 膀胱石病 cystolithiasis;
 膀胱石切除术 lithotomy; cystolithotomy;
 膀胱输尿管炎 cystoureteritis;
 膀胱输尿管照片 cystoureterogram;
 膀胱碎石器 lithomyl;
 膀胱绦虫 bladder worm;
 膀胱痛 cystalgia; cystodynia;
 膀胱体 body of urinary bladder; corpus vesicae;
 膀胱透照检查 cystodiaphanoscopy;
 膀胱突出 cystocele; vesicocele;
 膀胱外翻 exstrophy; ectopocystis; ectopia vesicae; exstrophy of bladder;
 膀胱网膜疝 cystoepiplocele;
 膀胱萎缩 cystatrophia; cystatrophy;
 膀胱下垂 cystoptosis;
 膀胱下动脉 arteriae vesicales inferiores;
 膀胱先天畸形 congenital bladder malformation;
 膀胱腺 glandulae vesicales;
 膀胱像 cystogram;
 膀胱形 utriform; utriculiform;
 膀胱性血尿 vesical hematuria;
 膀胱炎 cystitis; urocystitis;
 膀胱异位 ectopocystis; ectopia vesicae;
 膀胱异物钳 bladder foreign forceps;
 膀胱阴道瘘 vesico-vaginal fistula;
 膀胱再造口术 neocystostomy;
 膀胱胀 distention of the urinary bladder;
 膀胱照片 cystogram;
 膀胱照相术 cystography; cystora diography;
 膀胱造影(术) cystography;
 膀胱造影照片 cystogram;
 膀胱增大 cystauxe;
 膀胱肿瘤 bladder neoplasm;
 膀胱周炎 pericystitis; paracystitis;
 膀胱周组织 paracystium;
 膀胱直肠造口吻合术 cystoproctostomy; cystorectostomy;
 膀胱籽 bladderseed;
 膀胱子宫颈瘘 vesico-cervical fistula;
 膀胱子宫陷凹 vesicouterine excavation




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