

 (奔跑或跳跃) gallop; jump; prance:
  腾身跃过标杆 jump over the pole;
  策马腾跃 whip a horse to prance;
  万马奔腾。 Ten thousand horses gallop forward.
 (升到空中) rise; soar; ascend:
  龙腾虎跃 dragons rising and tigers leaping;
  天马腾昊 a heavenly steed soaring across the skies
 (使空出) vacate; make room; clear out:
  腾出房间 vacate a room;
  腾出时间看书 spare time for reading;
  腾个地方放行李 make room for luggage
 (激动) excite; stir; agitate:
  万众欢腾 millions of people exciting or rejoicing;
  热血沸腾。 One's blood boils or stirs.
 (用在某些动词后面, 表示反复):
  折腾 do sth. over and over again;
  翻腾 toss about; turn over and over
 (姓氏) a surname:
  腾达 Teng Da
 另见 tēng。
  他腾地一声跳到台上。 He leaped on to the platform with a thump.
 另见 téng。




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