

字词 腐蚀
释义 腐蚀
 fǔ shí
 (通过化学作用使物体逐渐消损破坏) corrode; corrosion; corroding; deep etch; diabrosis; rot; eat off; etch; etching; pitting:
  金属的腐蚀 corrosion of metal;
  腐蚀到所需频率 etching to frequency;
  如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀。 Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean.
  有些窃贼用汞水腐蚀他们的镣铐。 Some thieves have eaten off their irons with mercury water.
 (使思想行为逐渐变质堕落) deprave; corrupt:
  腐蚀干部 corrupt the cadres;
  拒腐蚀, 永不沾。 Be immune from corruption.
  黄色电影腐蚀人们的灵魂。 Blue cinema corrupts the souls of people.
 腐蚀凹板 etching plate;
 腐蚀版 {刷} etched plate;
 腐蚀板画工艺 aquatint;
 腐蚀残渣 etching residue;
 腐蚀产物 corrosion products;
 腐蚀产物活化 corrosion product activation;
 腐蚀脆化 corrosion embrittlement;
 腐蚀点 hot spot;
 腐蚀电极 corroding electrode; corrosion target;
 腐蚀电流 corrosion current;
 腐蚀定向 etching orientation;
 腐蚀断裂 corrosion fracture;
 腐蚀防止法 corrosion control;
 腐蚀伏特计 {电工} corrosion voltmeter;
 腐蚀机 {刷} etching machine;
 腐蚀机理 corrosion mechanism; mechanism of corrosion;
 腐蚀剂 {医} caustic; corrodent; corrosive; corrosive agent; corrosive chemicals; diabrotic; etch; {化} {半} etchant;
 腐蚀尖峰 corrosion peak;
 腐蚀截割法 etch cut method;
 腐蚀介质 corrodent;
 腐蚀瘤 tuberculate; tuberculated;
 腐蚀面 etched surface;
 腐蚀磨光法 attack polishing method;
 腐蚀磨损 corrosive wear;
 腐蚀疲劳 {冶} corrosion fatigue;
 腐蚀疲劳极限 {冶} corrosion fatigue limit;
 腐蚀疲劳试验 corrosion fatigue test;
 腐蚀评定 corrosion evaluation;
 腐蚀品 corrosives;
 腐蚀铅 {冶} corroding lead;
 腐蚀强度 corrosion strength;
 腐蚀全金属掩模 etching all-metal mask;
 腐蚀设备 etching apparatus;
 腐蚀深度 {半} etch depth;
 腐蚀深度指数 corrosion index;
 腐蚀试验 {冶} corrosion test; etching test;
 腐蚀试验台试验 corrosion rig test;
 腐蚀速度 corrosion rate;
 腐蚀速率 corrosion rate; rate of corrosion;
 腐蚀酸 corrosive acid;
 腐蚀损耗 corrosion losses;
 腐蚀损坏 corrosion troubles;
 腐蚀污染物 corrosion contaminant;
 腐蚀系数 etch factor; {化} coefficient of corrosion;
 腐蚀陷斑 etched dimple;
 腐蚀研究 corrosion research;
 腐蚀掩膜 etching mask;
 腐蚀药 escharotica; escharotics;
 腐蚀抑制剂 corrosion inhibitor;
 腐蚀抑制作用 effect of corrosion inhibition;
 腐蚀余度(容限) corrosion allowance;
 腐蚀凿岩 erosion drilling;
 腐蚀增重(作用) surrosion;
 腐蚀沾染 corrosion contamination;
 腐蚀沾染物 corrosion contaminants;
 腐蚀制版车间 etching room;
 腐蚀作用 {冶} corrosiveness; corrosion behaviour; corrosive action; erosive attack;
 腐蚀阻抑剂 {化} corrosion inhibitor




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