

字词 脾气
释义 脾气
 pí qi
 (性情) temperament; disposition:
  脾气多变的人 a man with an uncertain temper;
  倔强的脾气 a rebellious temper;
  脾气很好 have a good temper;
  脾气暴躁 have a fierce disposition; be of a bad temper; have a bad (violent) temper;
  脾气急躁 have a hot temper;
  他的脾气是最急躁的。 His temper is of the quickest.
 (易怒的性情) bad temper:
  脾气大 hot-tempered;
  发脾气 lose one's temper; flare up;
  为了一点小事就大发脾气。 Fly into a rage at the slightest provocation.
  那人大发脾气, 暴跳如雷。 The man foamed and stormed.
 (事物的特性) behaviour; characteristic:
  摸熟机器的脾气 get to know the characteristics of a machine; get to know how the machine behaves
  {中医} the spleen-qi:
  脾气不舒 depression of the spleen-qi;
  脾气下陷 collapse of the spleen-qi;
  脾气虚 insufficiency of the spleen-qi; hypofunction of the spleen;
  脾气不升。 The spleen-qi fails to send up nutrients.




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