

 (姓氏) a surname:
  能元皓 Nai Yuanhao
 另见 néng。
 (能力; 才干) ability; capability; skill:
  各尽所能 each according to his ability;
  无能 lacking in ability; incompetent;
  一专多能 good at many things and expert in one
  {物} (能量) energy; power:
  电能 electric (electrical) energy;
  化学(原子)能 chemical (atomic) energy;
  热能 heat (thermal) energy; thermodynamic power;
  太阳能 solar energy
 (有能力的) able; capable:
  能人 able person; man of large calibre
 (能够) can; be able to; be capable of:
  病人仅能勉强坐起来。 The patient was but poorly able to sit up.
  人们认为她完全能照顾自己。 It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
  他好多了,能下床了。 He's much better and can get up now.
  她一分钟能打70个字。 She can type 70 words a minute.
  我干这个工作能行吗? Am I really fit for the job?
 另见 nài。




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