

字词 聚集
释义 聚集
 jù jí
 (集合; 凑在一起) gather; assemble; collect:
  和我们聚集在一起 be in our midst;
  和某人聚集一堂 gather together with sb.;
  工人们聚集在大厅里。 The workers were assembled in the hall.
  云朵又迅速聚集起来。 The clouds speedily gathered again.
  人们聚集在事故现场。 People gathered at the scene of the accident.
  这个人把一大群孩子聚集在他周围。 The man collected a crowd of children.
  老师把学生聚集在她周围 。 The teacher gathered her pupils round her.
  {工} accumulation; congestion; concrescence; rendezvous; storing; aggregation; agmen; massing; adduct; stocking; take-up
 聚集表结构 knotted list structure;
 聚集成行 columnate;
 聚集态 hybrid-propellant combination; state of aggregation;
 聚集体 aggregate;
 聚集问题 rendezvous problem;
 聚集物 bunch;
 聚集系数 convergence factor;
 聚集效应 build-up effect




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