

字词 联合
释义 联合
 lián hé
 (联系使不分散;结合) unite; ally:
  为共同的利益而联合起来 unite for mutual interest;
  联合一切可能联合的力量 ally oneself with all forces that can be allied with
 (结合在一起) alliance; union; coalition:
  实现两国的联合 effect the union between the two countries;
  两党的联合 a coalition between two parties;
  他们联合起来抵御共同敌人。 They made an alliance against the common enemy.
 (共同) joint; combined:
  联合抵制 boycott;
  联合对外 concerted action towards our foreign counterparts;
  联合进攻 combined attack; concerted attack;
  联合举办 jointly organize or sponsor; co-hold
  {生理} (两块以上骨头长在一起或固定在一起) symphysis:
  耻骨联合 symphysis pubis
 联合保险 co-insurance;
 联合比色计 union colorimeter;
 联合兵种 combined arms;
 联合剥选机 combined cocoon stripping and storing machines;
 联合采集机 harvesters;
 联合采矿机 continuous miners;
 联合采煤机 cutter-loader; combine;
 联合产品 joint product;
 联合厂房 complex factories;
 联合车床 combination lathes;
 联合车间 combined workshop;
 联合成本 joint cost; common cost;
 联合承包商 co-contractor;
 联合处理 joint treatment;
 联合词组 coordinative word group;
 联合大企业 conglomerate company; conglomerate;
 联合代理人 joint agent;
 联合贷款 syndicated loan;
 联合担保 joint mortgage;
 联合地体 composite terrane;
 联合电力系统 pool;
 联合电网 interconnected power system;
 联合动力装置 combined power plants;
 联合动作 teamwork;
 联合对偶学习法 {教} paired-associate learning;
 联合发价 {外贸} combined offer;
 联合发起人 cosponsor;
 联合分布 joint distribution; simultaneous distribution;
 联合浮动 joint float;
 联合复合体 synaptonemal complex; synaptinemal complex;
 联合概率 joint probability;
 联合概率密度函数 joint probability density function;
 联合杆 combination lever;
 联合耕作机 tiller combine;
 联合工厂 integrated plant;
 联合公报 a joint communique;
 联合公司 integrated corporation; joint company; integrated complex; complex;
 联合构造体系 conjunct tectonic systems;
 联合古陆 pangaea;
 联合股份公司 joint stock company;
 联合过程识别法 joint-process identification method;
 联合弧 conjunct arc;
 联合化 amalgamation;
 联合环 {植} commissural arch;
 联合缓冲区 pooled buffers;
 联合火控系统 {军} integrated fire control system;
 联合货船 combination carrier;
 联合货运制度 joint cargo system;
 联合基础 combined foundations;
 联合机床 bastard machine tool;
 联合计划 co-plan;
 联合检验 joint survey;
 联合腱 {解} conjoint tendon;
 联合截煤机 coal-cutter-loader;
 联合经营 combination deal; joint management;
 联合经营成本 joint cost of operation;
 联合掘进机 helldriver;
 联合开采 combined mining method;
 联合开关网络 combinational switching network;
 联合开拓 combined development;
 联合勘探与开发 joint exploration and development;
 联合考察 combined study;
 联合控制 combination control;
 联合劳动组织 organization of associated labour;
 联合利润最大化 joint profit maximization;
 联合力量 coalition power;
 联合联络小组 joint liaison group;
 联合搂草机 combined rake;
 联合贸易公司 united trade company; union trading corporation;
 联合贸易体 joint trade commission;
 联合免疫缺陷 {免} combined immunodeficiency;
 联合目录 {自} union catalog; union catalogue;
 联合内阁 coalition cabinet;
 联合配额(限额) combination quota;
 联合配线盘 combined main and intermediate distributing frame;
 联合喷雾喷粉机 combined sprayer and dusters;
 联合喷嘴 combining cone;
 联合平差 simultanuous adjustment;
 联合平稳随机过程 jointly stationary random process;
 联合铺路机 “all in one” paver;
 联合企业 complex; integrated complex; joint enterprise; combine;
 联合企业经营者 conglomerators;
 联合签署 joint signature;
 联合驱动 combined drive;
 联合熵 combination entropy;
 联合商标 united brand; associated trade mark;
 联合设备收益 joint facilities income;
 联合声明 joint statement;
 联合生产成本 joint production costs;
 联合适应 simultaneous adaptation;
 联合收割机 {机} combine; combine-harvester; complete harvester;
 联合收获机 combine; combine harvesters;
 联合售票处 consolidated ticket office;
 联合谈判 coalition bargaining;
 联合提供资金 joint financing;
 联合通信设备 {讯} joint communications;
 联合投标 joint bids;
 联合投资 joint investment;
 联合凸缘 companion flange;
 联合推销 cooperative marketing;
 联合纤维 {解} association fibre;
 联合销售 joint sales;
 联合协议 joint agreement;
 联合行动 a joint (concerted) action;
 联合宣言 joint declaration;
 联合旋转 {花样滑冰} combination spin (figure skating);
 联合选矿 beneficiation combined method;
 联合循环 combined cycle;
 联合压机 combination (-type) press;
 联合压捆机 {农} combine baler;
 联合研究委员会 joint study committee;
 联合演习 {军} joint manoeuvre; joint exercise;
 联合引信 combination fuzes;
 联合预算 combination budget;
 联合运货 combined carriage of goods;
 联合运价 joint rate;
 联合运载量 joint loading;
 联合轧钢机 {冶} combination mill;
 联合轧制法 combination rolling mill practice;
 联合债务 consolidation of debt;
 联合站 multi-purpose station;
 联合账户 joint account;
 联合招标 joint invitation to tender;
 联合政府 coalition government;
 联合制碱法 soda and ammonium chloride dual manufacture process;
 联合中枢 association center;
 联合仲裁条款 joint arbitral liable;
 联合主汽门 combined main stop valves;
 联合柱基 {土} combined footing;
 联合筑路机 one-pass machine;
 联合贮库 stores;
 联合装置 {化工} combination unit; uniset;
 联合资产负债表 consolidated balance sheet;
 联合最大化 joint maximization;
 联合作业 combination process;
 联合作用 koinonia;
 联合作战 combined operation




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