

  美丽而动人 beautiful and moving;
  取而代之 take sb.'s or sth.'s place; replace (supersede) sb.;
  战而胜之 fight and defeat the enemy
  哀而不伤 deeply felt but not sentimental;
  华而不实 flashy without substance;
  有百利而无一害 gain everything and lose nothing;
  有其名而无其实 in name but not in reality;
  这颜色艳而不俗。 This colour is bright but not garish.
 (连接语意相反的成分, 表示转折):
  大而无当 large but impractical; unwieldy
  量力而行 do what one's strength allows; act according to one's ability;
  为民而死 die for the people;
  知难而退 retreat before the impossible; beat a retreat in face of the difficulties;
  疗效因人而异。 The effect of the treatment varies with different individuals.
  一而再, 再而三 again and again; time and again;
  由南而北 from south to north;
  自远而近 approach from a distance
  匆匆而来 come hastening;
  夺门而入 force way into house;
  盘旋而上 spiral up
 (插在主语谓语中间, 有“如果”的意思):
  当作家而不深入群众, 就不会写出好作品来。 If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works.




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