

字词 翻腾
释义 翻腾
 fān téng
  {跳水} tuck dive:
  向内翻腾两周半 backward tuck dive with two-and-a-half somersaults;
  向前翻腾两周半 forward tuck dive with two-and-a-half somersaults
 (上下滚动) seethe; rise; surge; churn:
  波浪翻腾 seething (turbulent) waves
 2) 翻腾
 fān teng
 (翻动) turn sth. over and over; rummage; toss; moiss:
  几个箱子都翻腾遍了也没有找到。 I rummaged through all the boxes but still could not find it.
 (反复考虑) think about again and again; turn (sth.) over in one's mind; feverish:
  这些问题一直在我脑子里翻腾着。 I've been turning these problems over and over in my mind.




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