

字词 翻滚
释义 翻滚
 fān gǔn
 roll; toss; turn over; tumble; somersault; turn; reverse dive (体操):
  麦浪翻滚 a rolling sea of wheat;
  白浪翻滚。 The waves rolled and foamed.
  小孩在沙坑里翻滚着玩。 The children tumbled about in the sand pit.
  开水在壶里翻滚。 The boiling water bubbled furiously in the kettle.
 翻滚飞车 shuttle loop; cork screw roller coaster;
 翻滚护架 roll cage;
 翻滚加速度 roll acceleration;
 翻滚轴 {力} roll axis




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