

 (变换位置; 歪倒; 反转) turn over; turn around; reverse:
  碰翻 knock over;
  推翻 overturn; overthrow;
  在床上翻来翻去 toss in bed;
  车翻了。 The truck turned over.
  把饼翻个儿再烙一会儿。 Turn the cake over and bake it some more.
 (移动物体寻找) rummage; search:
  东找西翻 rummage all over;
  他翻了所有的抽屉找寻那个不见了的文件。 He searched all the drawers for the missing paper.
 (推翻原来的) reverse; retract; withdraw:
  后代把这个案子翻了过来。 The posterity reversed the verdict.
 (爬过; 越过) climb over; get over; cross:
  翻过高山 cross a higher mountain;
  翻过栅栏 get over the railings (paling)
 (成倍地增加) multiply:
  翻两番 be quadrupled
 (翻译) translate:
  翻密码 translate cipher;
  把它翻成英文 translate it into English;
  翻电报 decode a telegram
  (口) (翻脸) break up; fall out:
  把他惹翻了 made him angry;
  他们闹翻了。 They quarrelled and split up.; They fell out.




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