

字词 维修
释义 维修
 wéi xiū
 keep in (good) repair; service; maintain:
  维修良好 in good repair;
  维修房屋 maintain houses and buildings;
  维修汽车 service a car;
  设备维修 maintenance of equipment; upkeep of equipment;
  需要维修 need (putting into) repair;
  电视机维修手册 a television servicing manual
 维修场 service apron;
 维修车 {工} maintenance vehicle;
 维修车间 maintenance shop;
 维修成本 maintenance cost;
 维修程序 maintenance procedure;
 维修电缆 recovery cable;
 维修费 upkeep; maintenance cost;
 维修工 maintenance worker;
 维修论 maintenance theory;
 维修情况 repair;
 维修设备使用率rate of use of maintenance equipment;
 维修时间{自} maintenance time;
 维修手册 service manual;
 维修数据 maintenance data;
 维修性 maintainability;
 维修养护队 section forces;
 维修预防 maintenance prevention;
 维修帧 maintenance frame;
 维修准备时间 standby time




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